This page shows which neighborhoods in Sacramento are similar to neighborhoods in Baltimore.
Rents in Sacramento average $1 and are about the same as rents in Baltimore.
Sacramento's Walk Score is 49, 15 points lower than Baltimore's 64.
Sacramento has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Sacramento has a Transit Score of 34, Baltimore's score is 53. Sacramento's Bike Score is 67, Baltimore's score is 53.
Here are neighborhoods in Sacramento, California that are similar to Baltimore, Maryland neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Avondale is similar to Woodring, Harford - Echodale - Perring Parkway and New Northwood in Baltimore.
Brentwood is similar to Cross Country, Uplands and Idlewood in Baltimore.
California State University-Sacramento is similar to Morrell Park, Violetville and Mid-Charles in Baltimore.
Central Oak Park is similar to Chinquapin Park - Belvedere, Belair - Edison and Mid-Govans in Baltimore.
College-Glen is similar to Broening, Mid-Charles and Loch Raven in Baltimore.
Colonial Heights is similar to Waltherson, Harford - Echodale - Perring Parkway and Rognel Heights in Baltimore.
Colonial Village North is similar to Glenham - Bedford, Frankford and Morgan State University in Baltimore.
Creekside is similar to Cross Country, Armistead Gardens and Howard Park in Baltimore.
Curtis Park is similar to Hampden, Fifteenth Street and Remington in Baltimore.
Del Paso Heights is similar to Frankford, Glenham - Bedford and Ramblewood in Baltimore.
Downtown is similar to Ridgely's Delight, Downtown and Middle East in Baltimore.
East Del Paso Heights is similar to Woodring, Lauraville and Christopher in Baltimore.
East Sacramento is similar to Woodbourne Heights, Evergreen and Fallstaff in Baltimore.
Fairgrounds is similar to Violetville, Stonewood - Penwood - Winston and Levindale in Baltimore.