This page shows which neighborhoods in Sacramento are similar to neighborhoods in Dallas.
Rents in Sacramento average $1 and are about the same as rents in Dallas.
Sacramento's Walk Score is 49, 3 points higher than Dallas's 46.
Sacramento has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Sacramento has a Transit Score of 34, Dallas's score is 39. Sacramento's Bike Score is 67, Dallas's score is 49.
Here are neighborhoods in Sacramento, California that are similar to Dallas, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Avondale is similar to Kessler Plaza, Oak Park Estates and Estates West in Dallas.
Brentwood is similar to Piedmont, Casa Linda-Casa View and Northwood Hills in Dallas.
California State University-Sacramento is similar to Preston Royal Northwest, Forest Court and Bent Tree North in Dallas.
Central Oak Park is similar to Vickery Place, M Streets and Lower Greenville in Dallas.
College-Glen is similar to Bent Tree North, Buckner Terrace and Prestonwood in Dallas.
Colonial Heights is similar to Spring Creek, Kessler Plaza and Kings Highway Conservation District in Dallas.
Colonial Village North is similar to Dixon Branch, Lakeland Hills and Preston Highlands in Dallas.
Creekside is similar to Prestonwood on the Park, Old Lake Highlands and Campbell Green in Dallas.
Curtis Park is similar to Glencoe Park, Deep Ellum and Caruth Hills and Homeplace in Dallas.
Del Paso Heights is similar to Preston Highlands, Cochran Hollow and Casa View Haven in Dallas.
East Del Paso Heights is similar to Casa Linda-Casa View, Cochran Hollow and Dixon Branch in Dallas.
East Sacramento is similar to Bent Tree West, Preston Royal Northwest and Bachman-Northwest Highway in Dallas.
Elmhurst is similar to Melshire Estates, Lovefield West and Bent Tree West in Dallas.
Fairgrounds is similar to Hillcrest Forest, East Kessler Park and Preston Royal Northwest in Dallas.