This page shows which neighborhoods in Sacramento are similar to neighborhoods in San Diego.
Rents in Sacramento average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Diego.
Sacramento's Walk Score is 49, 4 points lower than San Diego's 53.
Sacramento has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Sacramento has a Transit Score of 34, San Diego's score is 37. Sacramento's Bike Score is 67, San Diego's score is 43.
Here are neighborhoods in Sacramento, California that are similar to San Diego, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Avondale is similar to North Clairemont, Loma Portal and Beach Barber in San Diego.
Brentwood is similar to Lake Murray, Encanto and Emerald Hills in San Diego.
California State University-Sacramento is similar to Grantville, Carmel Mountain and Midway District in San Diego.
Central Oak Park is similar to Adams North, Bird Rock and Webster in San Diego.
College-Glen is similar to Bay Ho, Serra Mesa and Oak Park in San Diego.
Colonial Heights is similar to Loma Portal, Kensington and Egger Highlands in San Diego.
Colonial Village North is similar to Allied Gardens, La Playa and Clairemont Mesa West in San Diego.
Creekside is similar to Lake Murray, San Carlos and Upper Hermosa in San Diego.
Curtis Park is similar to Village, Stockton and Barrio Logan in San Diego.
Del Paso Heights is similar to North Clairemont, Allied Gardens and Bay Park in San Diego.
Downtown is similar to Gaslamp, Harborview and Core-Columbia in San Diego.
East Del Paso Heights is similar to Lake Murray, Clairemont Mesa West and La Jolla Shores in San Diego.
East Sacramento is similar to Midway District, Roseville - Fleet Ridge and Mission Hills in San Diego.
Elmhurst is similar to Palm City, Mission Hills and Midway District in San Diego.
Fairgrounds is similar to Mission Valley East, Mission Valley West and Torrey Pines in San Diego.