This page shows which neighborhoods in San Antonio are similar to neighborhoods in Nashville.
Rents in San Antonio average $1 and are about the same as rents in Nashville.
San Antonio's Walk Score is 37, 8 points higher than Nashville's 29.
San Antonio has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. San Antonio has a Transit Score of 31, Nashville's score is 22. San Antonio's Bike Score is 45, Nashville's score is 30.
Here are neighborhoods in San Antonio, Texas that are similar to Nashville, Tennessee neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Adams Hill is similar to Haynes Area, Farview and Asheford Crossing in Nashville.
Alamo Farmsteads is similar to Caldwell Court Condominiums, Pleasant Acres and Hearthstone in Nashville.
Alta Vista is similar to Watkins Park, Hope Gardens and Radnor in Nashville.
Arboretum is similar to TMAG, Townhomes of Shadow Glen and Lions Head Condominiums in Nashville.
Arsenal is similar to Germantown in Nashville.
Less Similar
More Similar
Avenida Guadalupe is similar to Germantown, Hillsboro West End and Fisk-Meharry in Nashville.
Babcock North is similar to Charlotte Park, Whispering Hills and Twin Lawn in Nashville.
Beacon Hill is similar to Watkins Park, Hope Gardens and Fisk-Meharry in Nashville.
Blossom Park is similar to Perry Heights, Colonial Village and Seven Springs in Nashville.
Bluffview at Camino Real is similar to Chase Creek, Autumn Glenn and Woodberry Park in Nashville.
Braun Station is similar to Copperfield, Locustwood and Oakmont in Nashville.
Braun Station East is similar to Dickerson Road, Mt View Road Citizens Link and Oakmont in Nashville.
Braun's Farm is similar to Heron Walk, Belle Meade Links and Caldwall in Nashville.
Burning Tree is similar to Hearthstone, Sterling Oaks and West Meade in Nashville.
Cable Westwood is similar to McKissack Park, Clifton-Southwest and The Highlands in Nashville.