This page shows which neighborhoods in San Diego are similar to neighborhoods in Dallas.
Rents in San Diego average $1 and are about the same as rents in Dallas.
San Diego's Walk Score is 53, 7 points higher than Dallas's 46.
San Diego has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. San Diego has a Transit Score of 37, Dallas's score is 39. San Diego's Bike Score is 43, Dallas's score is 49.
Here are neighborhoods in San Diego, California that are similar to Dallas, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Adams North is similar to Vickery Place, Lower Greenville and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Allied Gardens is similar to Preston Highlands, Dixon Branch and Lakeland Hills in Dallas.
Alta Vista is similar to Ledbetter Gardens, Briarwood and Kimball in Dallas.
Barrio Logan is similar to Caruth Hills and Homeplace, Glencoe Park and Bachman-Northwest Highway in Dallas.
Bay Ho is similar to Bent Tree North, Lake Highlands and Buckner Terrace in Dallas.
Bay Park is similar to Oak Park Estates, Casa View Haven and Lakeland Hills in Dallas.
Bay Terraces is similar to Casa View, Five Mile Creek and Estates West in Dallas.
Birdland is similar to Hillcrest Forest, Caruth Hills and Homeplace and Preston Citadel Club in Dallas.
Black Mountain Ranch is similar to Rylie, White Rock and Mountain Creek in Dallas.
Burlingame is similar to L. O. Daniel, Lakewood Hills and Lakewood Heights in Dallas.
Carmel Mountain is similar to Bent Tree North, Preston Citadel Club and Lake Highlands in Dallas.
Carmel Valley is similar to Westhollow, Forest Court and Inwood-Northwest in Dallas.
Chollas View is similar to Botello, M Streets and Jubilee Park in Dallas.
Clairemont Mesa East is similar to RANDCO, Bachman-Northwest Highway and Bent Tree West in Dallas.
Clairemont Mesa West is similar to Dixon Branch, Cedar Crest and Pleasant Grove in Dallas.