This page shows which neighborhoods in San Diego are similar to neighborhoods in Omaha.
Rents in San Diego average $1 and are about the same as rents in Omaha.
San Diego's Walk Score is 53, 5 points higher than Omaha's 48.
San Diego has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. San Diego has a Transit Score of 37, Omaha's score is 24. San Diego's Bike Score is 43, Omaha's score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in San Diego, California that are similar to Omaha, Nebraska neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Adams North is similar to Dodge Street Corridor, Joslyn Castle and Walnut Hill in Omaha.
Allied Gardens is similar to Hillsborough, Harvey Oaks and Prairie Lane in Omaha.
Alta Vista is similar to Fontenelle View, Central Park and Prospect Hill in Omaha.
Balboa Park is similar to North Downtown and Wiercrest in Omaha.
Barrio Logan is similar to Pacific - Leavenworth, Elmwood Park and Blackstone in Omaha.
Bay Ho is similar to Miller Park - Minne-Lusa, Maple Village and Florence Boulevard in Omaha.
Bay Park is similar to E. R. Danner, Hillsborough and Montclair in Omaha.
Bay Terraces is similar to Fort Redman, Highland South and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
Birdland is similar to Cornish Heights, Orchard Park and Indian Hills Village in Omaha.
Black Mountain Ranch is similar to Bay Shores, Millard Heights and Skyline Ranches in Omaha.
Burlingame is similar to Military Avenue, Radial Hills and Clairmont Heights in Omaha.
Carmel Mountain is similar to Orchard Park, Skylark - Cryer and Maple Village in Omaha.
Carmel Valley is similar to Deer Ridge, Greentree - Iron Ridge - Tranquility View and Hillsborough in Omaha.
Chollas View is similar to Montclair, Columbus Park and Lynch Park in Omaha.
Clairemont Mesa East is similar to Dahlman, Southside Terrace and Benson Gardens in Omaha.