This page shows which neighborhoods in San Diego are similar to neighborhoods in Sacramento.
Rents in San Diego average $1 and are about the same as rents in Sacramento.
San Diego's Walk Score is 53, 4 points higher than Sacramento's 49.
San Diego has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. San Diego has a Transit Score of 37, Sacramento's score is 34. San Diego's Bike Score is 43, Sacramento's score is 67.
Here are neighborhoods in San Diego, California that are similar to Sacramento, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Adams North is similar to Central Oak Park, North Oak Park and Lawrence Park in Sacramento.
Allied Gardens is similar to Colonial Village North, Del Paso Heights and Tahoe South Park in Sacramento.
Alta Vista is similar to Willis Acres and Richardson Village in Sacramento.
Balboa Park is similar to Southern Pacific - Richards and RP Sports Compex in Sacramento.
Barrio Logan is similar to Curtis Park, East Sacramento and Elmhurst in Sacramento.
Bay Ho is similar to College-Glen, Valley Hi - North Laguna and Campus Commons in Sacramento.
Bay Park is similar to Parkway, Woodbine and Tahoe South Park in Sacramento.
Bay Terraces is similar to Golf Course Terrace, South East and Glen Elder in Sacramento.
Birdland is similar to Fairgrounds, Campus Commons and Metro Center in Sacramento.
Burlingame is similar to Northgate, Noralto and Tallac Village in Sacramento.
Carmel Mountain is similar to Campus Commons, California State University-Sacramento and Valley Hi - North Laguna in Sacramento.
Less Similar
More Similar
Carmel Valley is similar to Colonial Village North, Natomas Crossing and Valley Hi - North Laguna in Sacramento.
Chollas View is similar to Central Oak Park, South City Farms and Mangan Park in Sacramento.
Clairemont Mesa East is similar to South Natomas, Central Oak Park and Woodbine in Sacramento.
Clairemont Mesa West is similar to Oak Knoll, Tahoe South Park and Meadowview in Sacramento.