This page shows which neighborhoods in Seattle are similar to neighborhoods in Atlanta.
Rents in Seattle average $1 and are about the same as rents in Atlanta.
Seattle's Walk Score is 74, 26 points higher than Atlanta's 48.
Seattle has good public transportation and is very bikeable. Seattle has a Transit Score of 60, Atlanta's score is 44. Seattle's Bike Score is 71, Atlanta's score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in Seattle, Washington that are similar to Atlanta, Georgia neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alki is similar to East Atlanta, Kirkwood and Peachtree Battle in Atlanta.
Arbor Heights is similar to Venetian Hills, Old Gordon and Westview in Atlanta.
Atlantic is similar to Sweet Auburn, Atlantic Station and Old Fourth Ward in Atlanta.
Belltown is similar to Peachtree Center in Atlanta.
Less Similar
More Similar
Bitter Lake is similar to West End, Ridgedale Park and Peachtree Hills in Atlanta.
Briarcliff is similar to East Atlanta, Peachtree Battle and Kirkwood in Atlanta.
Brighton is similar to Cabbagetown, Candler Park and Mechanicsville in Atlanta.
Broadview is similar to East Atlanta, Oakland City and Perkerson in Atlanta.
Bryant is similar to Candler Park, Mechanicsville and Cabbagetown in Atlanta.
Cedar Heights is similar to West End, Mechanicsville and Candler Park in Atlanta.
Columbia City is similar to Inman Park, Reynoldstown and Sweet Auburn in Atlanta.
Crown Hill is similar to Candler Park, Mechanicsville and West End in Atlanta.
Dunlap is similar to Cabbagetown, Candler Park and Mechanicsville in Atlanta.
East Queen Anne is similar to Inman Park, Capitol Gateway and Reynoldstown in Atlanta.
Eastlake is similar to Old Fourth Ward, Atlantic Station and Home Park in Atlanta.