This page shows which neighborhoods in Seattle are similar to neighborhoods in Columbus.
Rents in Seattle average $1 and are about the same as rents in Columbus.
Seattle's Walk Score is 74, 33 points higher than Columbus's 41.
Seattle has good public transportation and is very bikeable. Seattle has a Transit Score of 60, Columbus's score is 30. Seattle's Bike Score is 71, Columbus's score is 48.
Here are neighborhoods in Seattle, Washington that are similar to Columbus, Ohio neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alki is similar to Mount Vernon, Brice and Shady Lane in Columbus.
Arbor Heights is similar to East Linden, Blendon Woods and Brandywine in Columbus.
Atlantic is similar to Dennison Place, Short North and German Village in Columbus.
Bitter Lake is similar to King-Lincoln Bronzeville, Necko and Harrison West in Columbus.
Briarcliff is similar to Mount Vernon, Brice and Shady Lane in Columbus.
Brighton is similar to Necko, Southern Orchards and Old North Columbus in Columbus.
Broadview is similar to East Beechwold, Shady Lane and Mount Vernon in Columbus.
Bryant is similar to Necko, King-Lincoln Bronzeville and Schumacher Place in Columbus.
Cedar Heights is similar to Necko, King-Lincoln Bronzeville and Harrison West in Columbus.
Columbia City is similar to Italian Village, Schumacher Place and Harrison West in Columbus.
Crown Hill is similar to Necko, King-Lincoln Bronzeville and Southern Orchards in Columbus.
Dunlap is similar to Necko, Southern Orchards and King-Lincoln Bronzeville in Columbus.
East Queen Anne is similar to Schumacher Place, Weinland Park and Victorian Village in Columbus.
Eastlake is similar to German Village, Dennison Place and Short North in Columbus.
Fairmount Park is similar to Schumacher Place, King-Lincoln Bronzeville and Harrison West in Columbus.