This page shows which neighborhoods in Seattle are similar to neighborhoods in Long Beach.
Rents in Seattle average $1 and are about the same as rents in Long Beach.
Seattle's Walk Score is 74, 1 points higher than Long Beach's 73.
Seattle has good public transportation and is very bikeable. Seattle has a Transit Score of 60, Long Beach's score is 49. Seattle's Bike Score is 71, Long Beach's score is 70.
Here are neighborhoods in Seattle, Washington that are similar to Long Beach, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alki is similar to Arlington, Hamilton and El Dorado Park Estates in Long Beach.
Arbor Heights is similar to DeForest Park, The Lakes and Rancho Estates in Long Beach.
Atlantic is similar to Saint Mary, Bryant School and Southeast Wrigley in Long Beach.
Bitter Lake is similar to Lower Westside, Jordan and Lindbergh in Long Beach.
Briarcliff is similar to Arlington, Hamilton and El Dorado Park Estates in Long Beach.
Brighton is similar to South Wrigley, Bixby Park and Willmore City in Long Beach.
Broadview is similar to Hamilton, El Dorado Park Estates and Arlington in Long Beach.
Bryant is similar to South Wrigley, Addams and Bixby Park in Long Beach.
Cedar Heights is similar to Sunrise Park, Jordan and Westside in Long Beach.
Columbia City is similar to Southeast Wrigley, Wilson High and Washington School in Long Beach.
Crown Hill is similar to South Wrigley, Addams and Bixby Park in Long Beach.
Dunlap is similar to South Wrigley, Bixby Park and College Square in Long Beach.
East Queen Anne is similar to Southeast Wrigley, Washington School and Willmore City in Long Beach.
Eastlake is similar to Bryant School, Central Long Beach and Saint Mary in Long Beach.
Fairmount Park is similar to Lee School, Wilson High and Lindbergh in Long Beach.