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Cities in West Virginia

The 10 largest cities in West Virginia (the most populous cities in WV are Charleston, Huntington, and Parkersburg) have an average Walk Score of 41. The best cities in West Virginia ranked by Walk Score are Morgantown, Huntington, and Parkersburg, while the least walkable cities are Weirton, Charleston, and Beckley.

Follow the links for city maps, photos, and all neighborhoods.

The list of West Virginia cities below is sorted by Walk Score, but can also be sorted by population or alphabetically (click table's heading to sort).


Zip Code

Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


Charleston (the largest city in West Virginia) 25301 33 -- 28 51,400
Huntington 25703 49 -- 44 49,138
Parkersburg 46 -- 33 31,492
Morgantown 59 -- 40 29,660
Wheeling 37 -- 35 28,486
Weirton 25 -- 20 19,746
Fairmont 40 -- 26 18,704
Beckley 35 -- 27 17,614
Martinsburg 45 -- 36 17,227
Clarksburg 42 -- 28 16,578