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Living in Avenue of the Arts South Philadelphia

Avenue of the Arts South is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Philadelphia with 4,013 residents.

Avenue of the Arts South has world-class public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Rittenhouse Square, Center City West, Washington Square West, Logan Square, Center City East, Fitler Square and Graduate Hospital.

Nearby Avenue of the Arts South Apartments on Redfin

99 Walk Score of Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia, PA

Avenue of the Arts South is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of John H. Webster Public School in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

John H. Webster Public School

Photo of Broad St & Lombard St in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

Broad St & Lombard St

Daily errands do not require a car in Avenue of the Arts South Philadelphia.

Avenue of the Arts South is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Philadelphia with a Walk Score of 99.

Find apartments in Philadelphia's most walkable neighborhoods: Rittenhouse Square, Avenue of the Arts South and Washington Square West.

Avenue of the Arts South Philadelphia Apartments for Rent

Avenue of the Arts South Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Avenue of the Arts South to other Philadelphia neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Rittenhouse Square 99 100 91 8,524
2 Avenue of the Arts South 99 100 87 4,013
3 Washington Square West 99 100 89 11,444
4 Center City West 99 100 92 6,411

Moving to Philadelphia from another city?

thumbnail for John H. Webster Public SchoolJohn H Webster is the neighborhood school. It's real close to transportation. And is a public school. Anyone can attend.

Nex Millen
on John H. Webster Public School

100 Transit Score of Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia, PA

Avenue of the Arts South is a Rider’s Paradise

World-class public transportation. Find Avenue of the Arts South Philadelphia apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Avenue of the Arts South has world-class public transportation and about 3 bus and 1 subway lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Avenue of the Arts South on public transit.

87 Bike Score of Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia, PA

Avenue of the Arts South is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Municipal Services Building in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

Municipal Services Building

Photo of Municipal Services Building in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

Municipal Services Building

Photo of Municipal Services Building in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

Municipal Services Building

Photo of The University of the Arts in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

The University of the Arts

Photo of University of the Arts' Merriam Theater in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

University of the Arts' Merriam Theater

Photo of The Roots Mural in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

The Roots Mural

thumbnail for The University of the ArtsA featured art work by 2012 university students whom responded to the movie "Waste Land" and was inspired to use recyclable and waste items to make spherical statements via art. #streetart

Beka Keera Ragnetti
on The University of the Arts

Photo of Farrell Louis H School in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

Farrell Louis H School

Photo of Saint Michaels School in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

Saint Michaels School

Photo of John Hancock School in Avenue of the Arts South, Philadelphia

John Hancock School

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