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Living in Downtown Little Rock

Downtown is the most walkable neighborhood in Little Rock with 8,306 residents.

Downtown has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Central High, South End, Capital View, East of I-30, Hillcrest, Oak Forest and Heights.

Nearby Apartments

68 Walk Score of Downtown, Little Rock, AR

Downtown is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Larry's Pizza-Downtown in Downtown, Little Rock

Larry's Pizza-Downtown

Photo of Community Bakery in Downtown, Little Rock

Community Bakery

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Downtown Little Rock.

Downtown is the most walkable neighborhood in Little Rock with a Walk Score of 68.

Find apartments in Little Rock's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Hillcrest and Heights.

Downtown Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Downtown to other Little Rock neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 68 40 56 8,306
2 Hillcrest 67 30 35 5,976
3 Heights 57 21 36 5,602

thumbnail for Larry's Pizza-DowntownThis neighborhood institution is the KING of all pizza buffets. Larry's makes just a wide variety of specialty pizzas. Makes for an excellent, quick lunch! (#DowntownCBD)

A Helpful Neighbor
on Larry's Pizza-Downtown

40 Transit Score of Downtown, Little Rock, AR

Downtown has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Downtown Little Rock apartments for rent near public transit.

Public Transit Routes

Downtown has some public transportation and about 24 bus and 1 light rail lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Downtown on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Downtown Little Rock? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

A Helpful Neighbor

I was raised in a small town about an hour north of Little Rock. I lived in Texas for about three years during graduate school but have otherwise lived in Arkansas my whole life. I lived in downtown Little Rock at the Block 2 Lofts for about a year and then moved to West Little Rock for a year. I presently live in the Park Hill area of North Little Rock, but I work in Downtown Little Rock. I'd prefer to remain otherwise anonymous. Thanks!

Ask A about Downtown

Photo of Larry's Pizza-Downtown in Downtown, Little Rock

Larry's Pizza-Downtown

Photo of Community Bakery in Downtown, Little Rock

Community Bakery

Photo of Lafayette Square in Downtown, Little Rock

Lafayette Square

56 Bike Score of Downtown, Little Rock, AR

Downtown is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of U.S. Bank in Downtown, Little Rock

U.S. Bank

Photo of Metropolitan National Bank in Downtown, Little Rock

Metropolitan National Bank

Photo of Central Arkansas Library System - University Of Arkansas At Little Rock in Downtown, Little Rock

Central Arkansas Library System - University Of Arkansas At Little Rock

Photo of Lafayette Square in Downtown, Little Rock

Lafayette Square

Photo of Eastside Lofts/Lofts at SOMA in Downtown, Little Rock

Eastside Lofts/Lofts at SOMA

Photo of Eastside Lofts/Lofts at SOMA in Downtown, Little Rock

Eastside Lofts/Lofts at SOMA

Photo of Fuller & Son Hardware in Downtown, Little Rock

Fuller & Son Hardware

Photo of Inretrospec in Downtown, Little Rock


Photo of Rivermarket Books & Gifts in Downtown, Little Rock

Rivermarket Books & Gifts

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