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Living in Glendale

Glendale has an average Walk Score of 40 with 226,721 residents.

Glendale has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Glendale neighborhoods are Downtown, The Heart of Glendale and Sands Estates.

Nearby Apartments

40 Walk Score of Glendale, AZ

Glendale is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Westgate Bike Night in Glendale

Westgate Bike Night

Photo of University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale

University of Phoenix Stadium

Most errands require a car in Glendale.

Glendale Apartments for Rent

View all Glendale apartments on a map.

Glendale Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 77 40 69 1,004
2 The Heart of Glendale 69 40 75 1,688
3 Sands Estates 66 38 64 837
4 West Plaza Estates 62 38 63 2,012
5 Ocotillo Rose 56 39 80 2,484
6 Sands Oasis 55 37 54 809
7 Manistee Ranch 53 38 55 1,343
8 West Glen 49 30 60 1,376
9 Brandywine Estates 48 36 60 732
10 O'Neil Ranch 48 39 63 8,328
11 Bethany Heights 48 38 57 2,301
12 Lexington Place 47 36 58 774
13 Thunderbird Palms-Hickory Shadows 42 39 67 2,593
14 Coventry Estates 37 35 68 564
15 Pioneer 36 32 56 2,687
16 Bell-Greenway 36 33 55 1,944
17 Sahuaro Park West 36 39 49 911
18 Hidden Manor 36 38 40 631
19 Arrowhead Ranch 27 18 54 25,612
20 Marshall Ranch 26 32 65 1,481
21 Pine Summit 26 34 47 1,352
22 Independence 24 35 52 1,138
23 Secluded Acres and Estates 23 36 44 747
24 La Buena Vida 23 29 46 1,251
25 Hillcrest Ranch 19 - 53 3,531
26 Sweetwater Estates 19 33 68 1,846
27 Rovey Farm Estates 12 31 40 2,374

thumbnail for Westgate Bike NightBike Night every Thursday evening.

Juli Rude Tompkins
on Westgate Bike Night

34 Transit Score of Glendale, AZ

Glendale has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Glendale apartments for rent near public transit.

Public Transit Routes

Glendale has some public transportation and about 19 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Glendale on public transit.

57 Bike Score of Glendale, AZ

Glendale is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Thunderbird Park in Glendale

Thunderbird Park

Photo of 1890's Street Clock in Glendale

1890's Street Clock

Photo of Glendale Public Library in Glendale

Glendale Public Library

Photo of Flora House Cafe in Glendale

Flora House Cafe

thumbnail for Glendale Public LibraryGreat library, walking distance to many homes, two buslines, and the Glendale Community College. This library has a beautiful Xeriscape Garden surrounding the building, and is adjacent to the beautiful Saguaro Ranch Park Historical site and rose garden, setting of many weddings. Watch out for the many resident Peacocks who live on the grounds....

Marilyn Hewitt
on Glendale Public Library

Glendale is Talking About...

play my life money wake song food movie drink school walk job arizona sleep god party fight tired eat dream car

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