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Living in Winnipeg

Winnipeg is the 6th most walkable large city in Canada with 663,617 residents.

Winnipeg has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby Apartments

48 Walk Score of Winnipeg, CA-MB

Winnipeg is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Promenade Cafe and Wine in Winnipeg

Promenade Cafe and Wine

Photo of St.Boniface Cathedral (basilica) in Winnipeg

St.Boniface Cathedral (basilica)

Winnipeg is the 6th most walkable large city in Canada with 663,617 residents.

Winnipeg has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Winnipeg Apartments for Rent

View all Winnipeg apartments on a map.

thumbnail for Johnny G's Restaurant & BarGreat grub anytime. Open until 4am, so perfect for a post-pub-crawl chow down session!!

Trevor Brucki
on Johnny G's Restaurant & Bar

51 Transit Score of Winnipeg, CA-MB

Winnipeg has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Winnipeg apartments for rent near public transit.

Public Transit Routes

Winnipeg has good public transportation and about 87 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Winnipeg on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Winnipeg? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Photo of Promenade Cafe and Wine in Winnipeg

Promenade Cafe and Wine

Photo of St.Boniface Cathedral (basilica) in Winnipeg

St.Boniface Cathedral (basilica)

Photo of Johnny G's Restaurant & Bar in Winnipeg

Johnny G's Restaurant & Bar

61 Bike Score of Winnipeg, CA-MB

Winnipeg is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Woodbine Hotel Bar & Vendor in Winnipeg

Woodbine Hotel Bar & Vendor

Photo of Correinthes in Winnipeg


Photo of King's Head Pub in Winnipeg

King's Head Pub

Photo of Daly Burgers in Winnipeg

Daly Burgers

Photo of Henteleff Park in Winnipeg

Henteleff Park

Photo of Carnival Brazilian Grill in Winnipeg

Carnival Brazilian Grill

thumbnail for Bar ItaliaAwesome spot to hang on the patio and people watch in summer.

Trevor Brucki
on Bar Italia

Photo of Portage & Main in Winnipeg

Portage & Main

Photo of Ashdown Condos in Winnipeg

Ashdown Condos

Photo of Salvation Army Empress St Winnipeg Manitoba in Winnipeg

Salvation Army Empress St Winnipeg Manitoba

Photo of Casa Grande Pizzeria in Winnipeg

Casa Grande Pizzeria

Winnipeg is Talking About...

fan beer play bombers music coffee song food movie drink school walk read job sleep god party team eat car

Winnipeg is all about:

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Photo of Kenko Niwa in Winnipeg

Kenko Niwa

Photo of MAKE Coffee + Stuff in Winnipeg

MAKE Coffee + Stuff

Photo of Village Laundry in Winnipeg

Village Laundry

Photo of Assiniboine Park in Winnipeg

Assiniboine Park

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