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Living in Saint-Roch Québec

Saint-Roch is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Québec with 7,592 residents.

Saint-Roch has excellent public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Vieux-Limoilou, Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Montcalm, Vieux-Québec/Cap-Blanc/Colline parlementaire, Maizerets, Lairet and Saint-Sauveur.

Nearby Apartments

86 Walk Score of Saint-Roch, Québec, CA-QC

Saint-Roch is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map


Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Saint-Roch Québec.

Saint-Roch is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Québec with a Walk Score of 86.

Find apartments in Québec's most walkable neighborhoods: Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Saint-Roch and Vieux-Québec/Cap-Blanc/Colline parlementaire.

Saint-Roch Québec Apartments for Rent

View all Saint-Roch apartments on a map.

Saint-Roch Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Saint-Roch to other Québec neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Saint-Jean-Baptiste 94 72 73 8,590
2 Saint-Roch 86 71 81 7,592
3 Vieux-Québec/Cap-Blanc/Colline parlementaire 82 66 67 6,057
4 Saint-Sauveur 78 64 82 16,286
71 Transit Score of Saint-Roch, Québec, CA-QC

Saint-Roch has Excellent Transit

Transit is convenient for most trips. Find Saint-Roch Québec apartments for rent near public transit.

Public Transit Routes

Saint-Roch has excellent public transportation and about 29 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Saint-Roch on public transit.

81 Bike Score of Saint-Roch, Québec, CA-QC

Saint-Roch is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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