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Living in Culver City

Culver City has an average Walk Score of 76 with 38,883 residents.

Culver City has some public transportation and is very bikeable.

The most walkable Culver City neighborhoods are Washington Culver, McManus and Clarkdale.

Nearby Culver City Apartments on Redfin

76 Walk Score of Culver City, CA

Culver City is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Ballona Creek Bike Path in Culver City

Ballona Creek Bike Path

Photo of Café Brasil in Culver City

Café Brasil

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Culver City.

Culver City Apartments for Rent

Culver City Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Washington Culver 92 55 72 1,533
2 McManus 90 65 94 1,389
3 Clarkdale 89 53 81 3,732
4 Culver-West 84 52 83 2,942
5 Studio Village 81 40 81 1,646
6 Lucerne-Higuera 79 58 91 3,066
7 Park West 79 46 86 2,444
8 McLaughlin 78 50 94 2,301
9 Park East 75 47 78 4,606
10 Blanco-Culver Crest 73 43 43 2,955
11 Sunkist Park 71 49 69 2,463
12 Fox Hills 64 49 41 5,603
13 Jefferson 64 35 68 3,404
14 Blair Hills 37 35 31 646

thumbnail for Ballona Creek Bike PathHop on your bike & enjoy your own private lane throughout Culver City!

on Ballona Creek Bike Path

48 Transit Score of Culver City, CA

Culver City has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Culver City apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Culver City has some public transportation and about 21 bus and 1 light rail lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Culver City on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Culver City? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.


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Photo of Jackson Market in Culver City

Jackson Market

Photo of US Post Office in Culver City

US Post Office

Photo of Culver City Fire Department in Culver City

Culver City Fire Department

71 Bike Score of Culver City, CA

Culver City is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of LA River, Culver City in Culver City

LA River, Culver City

Photo of Jackson Market in Culver City

Jackson Market

Photo of US Post Office in Culver City

US Post Office

Photo of Tellefson Park in Culver City

Tellefson Park

Photo of US Post Office in Culver City

US Post Office

Photo of Culver City Fire Department in Culver City

Culver City Fire Department

thumbnail for Café BrasilThis traditional cafe features authentic Brazilian cuisine and is attached to LA's first Brazilian motel. The boutique motel is pet friendly and full of flowers. A great home base for world cup 2014!

on Café Brasil

Photo of Culver City Fire Department in Culver City

Culver City Fire Department

Photo of Theater in Culver City


Photo of Kirk Douglas Theatre in Culver City

Kirk Douglas Theatre

Photo of King Fahad Mosque in Culver City

King Fahad Mosque

thumbnail for LA River, Culver CityThrough LA runs a river, passing through Culver City, and heading towards the ocean. Enjoy the bike & pedestrian path alongside it.

on LA River, Culver City

Culver City is Talking About...

play school god music food movie drink video coffee walk traffic lunch job sleep los angeles car dinner party song eat

Culver City is all about:

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Photo of Culver-Palms Ymca Preschool in Culver City

Culver-Palms Ymca Preschool

Photo of Half Moon Motel in Culver City

Half Moon Motel

Photo of Culver-Palms United Methodist in Culver City

Culver-Palms United Methodist

thumbnail for The Culver Hotel Restaurant & BarOpen since 1924, The Culver Hotel remains a landmark in the heart of downtown Culver City today.

on The Culver Hotel Restaurant & Bar

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