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Living in Fremont

Fremont has an average Walk Score of 50 with 214,089 residents.

Fremont has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Fremont neighborhoods are Irvington, Centerville and Sundale.

Nearby Fremont Apartments on Redfin

50 Walk Score of Fremont, CA

Fremont is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Fremont Central Park in Fremont

Fremont Central Park

Photo of Stevenson Blvd:Leslie St in Fremont

Stevenson Blvd:Leslie St

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Fremont.

Fremont Apartments for Rent

Fremont Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Irvington 78 37 60 9,188
2 Centerville 69 42 59 15,088
3 Sundale 65 39 65 11,472
4 Glenmoor 60 37 51 12,934
5 South Sundale 60 35 54 6,239
6 28 Palms 59 34 53 2,796
7 Central-Downtown 58 49 64 11,431
8 East Industrial 58 38 66 1,595
9 Cabrillo 56 37 48 11,373
10 Blacow 54 31 48 6,859
11 Northgate 52 41 59 11,990
12 Lakes and Birds 51 37 55 4,300
13 Warm Springs 50 33 52 9,984
14 Brookvale 50 39 59 7,755
15 Grimmer 49 32 54 9,169
16 Parkmont 48 48 64 5,665
17 Mission San Jose 45 32 41 7,751
18 Kimber-Gomes 43 30 50 7,321
19 Ardenwood 43 29 55 17,024
20 Cherry-Guardino 37 52 62 8,510
21 Mission Valley 37 31 41 6,765
22 Niles 31 28 46 10,854
23 Cameron Hills 23 29 21 3,395
24 Weibel 20 38 49 4,591
25 Mission Hills 14 27 14 979
26 Vineyards-Avalon 10 22 17 6,082

thumbnail for Plaza ParkWhat a wonderful hidden gem! This is sometimes a dog park for the locals too. #glenmoorfremont

Karen Siegel Fitting
on Plaza Park

36 Transit Score of Fremont, CA

Fremont has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Fremont apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Fremont has some public transportation and about 13 bus, 2 rail and 4 subway lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Fremont on public transit.

54 Bike Score of Fremont, CA

Fremont is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Meyer Park in Fremont

Meyer Park

Photo of Lake Elizabeth in Fremont

Lake Elizabeth

Photo of Lake Elizabeth in Fremont

Lake Elizabeth

Photo of Fremont Main Library in Fremont

Fremont Main Library

Photo of Stitches by T. Barny in Fremont

Stitches by T. Barny

Photo of Fremont Hub Shopping Center in Fremont

Fremont Hub Shopping Center

thumbnail for Glenmoor Elementary SchoolThe cultures of Glenmoor art-tile installation at the front of the school. #glenmoorfremont

Karen Siegel Fitting
on Glenmoor Elementary School

Photo of Courtyard Fremont Silicon Valley in Fremont

Courtyard Fremont Silicon Valley

Photo of Plaza Park in Fremont

Plaza Park

Photo of Plaza Park in Fremont

Plaza Park

Photo of BurgerMeister in Fremont


thumbnail for Fremont Central ParkCentral Park also has a skate park and aqua park. #downtownfremont

Jeff Prinz
on Fremont Central Park

Fremont is Talking About...

fan school movie eating wake song food car team drink walk video sleep god party weird lake elizabeth tired playing dream

Fremont is all about:

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Photo of Glenmoor Elementary School in Fremont

Glenmoor Elementary School

Photo of Glenmoor Elementary School in Fremont

Glenmoor Elementary School

Photo of Fremont Central Park in Fremont

Fremont Central Park

Photo of Fremont Central Park in Fremont

Fremont Central Park

thumbnail for Fremont Central ParkThis iconic park was the location of the ending of the best selling book, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Surrounding beautiful Lake Elizabeth, there are lots of opening area for gatherings, a number of picnic areas and playgrounds, as well as a beautiful paved walk around the lake. #downtownfremont

Jeff Prinz
on Fremont Central Park

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