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Living in Hayward

Hayward has an average Walk Score of 57 with 144,186 residents.

Hayward has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Hayward neighborhoods are Downtown, Burbank and North Hayward.

Nearby Hayward Apartments on Redfin

57 Walk Score of Hayward, CA

Hayward is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map


Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Hayward.

Hayward Apartments for Rent

Hayward Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 89 64 63 3,538
2 Burbank 75 61 69 5,277
3 North Hayward 70 50 51 5,032
4 Longwood-Winton Grove 70 45 57 6,719
5 Upper B Street 67 43 47 5,547
6 Santa Clara 66 45 59 7,365
7 Jackson Triangle 63 41 61 10,652
8 Southgate 59 41 65 6,587
9 Mission-Foothill 59 47 35 7,342
10 Whitman-Wocine 57 42 64 4,615
11 Mission-Garin 57 47 47 8,048
12 Tennyson-Alquire 56 43 60 13,764
13 Harder-Tennyson 55 38 60 19,065
14 Fairway Park 53 36 49 9,197
15 Glen Eden 51 39 59 13,776
16 Mt. Eden 47 42 45 6,759
17 Hayward Highland 27 26 19 7,613

Eating & Drinking

There are about 335 restaurants, bars and coffee shops in Hayward.

People in Hayward can walk to an average of 3 restaurants, bars and coffee shops in 5 minutes.

Restaurant Choices Map

= More Choices

42 Transit Score of Hayward, CA

Hayward has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Hayward apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Hayward has some public transportation and about 18 bus, 1 rail and 4 subway lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Hayward on public transit.

53 Bike Score of Hayward, CA

Hayward is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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