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Living in Downtown Los Angeles

Downtown is the 3rd most walkable neighborhood in Los Angeles with 37,811 residents.

Downtown has world-class public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: South Central LA, Historic Cultural, Westlake, Central Alameda, Pico Union, Boyle Heights and MacArthur Park.

Nearby Downtown Apartments on Redfin

93 Walk Score of Downtown, Los Angeles, CA

Downtown is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of Mai Mexican Restaurant in Downtown, Los Angeles

Mai Mexican Restaurant

Photo of Bank of America Farmers Market in Downtown, Los Angeles

Bank of America Farmers Market

Daily errands do not require a car in Downtown Los Angeles.

Downtown is the 3rd most walkable neighborhood in Los Angeles with a Walk Score of 93.

Find apartments in Los Angeles's most walkable neighborhoods: Central Hollywood, MacArthur Park and Downtown.

Downtown Los Angeles Apartments for Rent

Downtown Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Downtown to other Los Angeles neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Central Hollywood 95 67 73 16,763
2 MacArthur Park 94 82 67 28,660
3 Downtown 93 98 79 37,811
4 Wilshire Center - Koreatown 93 76 64 95,278
5 Westlake 91 87 64 47,630

Moving to Los Angeles from another city?

Most kid-friendly park in Downtown Los Angeles. Next to FIDM and across the street from Ralph's, Starbucks. Has security patrol and is locked at dusk so it doesn't turn into a homeless camp.

Colin Sullivan
on Grand Hope Park

98 Transit Score of Downtown, Los Angeles, CA

Downtown is a Rider’s Paradise

World-class public transportation. Find Downtown Los Angeles apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Downtown has world-class public transportation and about 60 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Downtown on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Downtown Los Angeles? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Paul Reilly

Retired and living in downtown LA

Ask Paul about Downtown

Photo of Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles in Downtown, Los Angeles

Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles

Photo of California Broadway Trade Center in Downtown, Los Angeles

California Broadway Trade Center

Photo of California Broadway Trade Center in Downtown, Los Angeles

California Broadway Trade Center

79 Bike Score of Downtown, Los Angeles, CA

Downtown is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Dearden's in Downtown, Los Angeles


Photo of Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles in Downtown, Los Angeles

Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles

Photo of California Broadway Trade Center in Downtown, Los Angeles

California Broadway Trade Center

Photo of Museum of Contemporary Art in Downtown, Los Angeles

Museum of Contemporary Art

Photo of Down & Out in Downtown, Los Angeles

Down & Out

Photo of Pershing Square Farmers Market in Downtown, Los Angeles

Pershing Square Farmers Market

Photo of Angels Knoll Park in Downtown, Los Angeles

Angels Knoll Park

Photo of La Cafe in Downtown, Los Angeles

La Cafe

Photo of Los Angeles Theater in Downtown, Los Angeles

Los Angeles Theater

Photo of California Broadway Trade Center in Downtown, Los Angeles

California Broadway Trade Center

Photo of Dark knight Exhibit in Downtown, Los Angeles

Dark knight Exhibit

Photo of Dark knight Exhibit in Downtown, Los Angeles

Dark knight Exhibit

Photo of Les Noces Du Figaro in Downtown, Los Angeles

Les Noces Du Figaro

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