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Living in Sherman Oaks Los Angeles

Sherman Oaks is the 63rd most walkable neighborhood in Los Angeles with 64,022 residents.

Sherman Oaks has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Greater Valley Glen, Van Nuys, Bel Air-Beverly Crest, Valley Village, Studio City, Encino and North Hollywood West.

Nearby Sherman Oaks Apartments on Redfin

62 Walk Score of Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, CA

Sherman Oaks is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Sharky's Woodfired Mexican Grill in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles

Sharky's Woodfired Mexican Grill

Photo of Tough Cookies in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles

Tough Cookies

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Sherman Oaks Los Angeles.

Sherman Oaks is the 63rd most walkable neighborhood in Los Angeles with a Walk Score of 62.

Find apartments in Los Angeles's most walkable neighborhoods: Central Hollywood, MacArthur Park and Downtown.

Sherman Oaks Los Angeles Apartments for Rent

Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Sherman Oaks to other Los Angeles neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


61 Congress Southeast 63 60 66 73,700
62 North Hills East 63 47 55 38,779
63 Sherman Oaks 62 44 52 64,022
64 Lake Balboa 62 44 57 45,125
65 Pacoima 61 47 57 74,403

Moving to Los Angeles from another city?

thumbnail for Freakbeat RecordsThis neighborhood gem has been giving vinyl a good name for about ten years. They sell both CDs and records here and have a lovely display cabinet of rarities as well. Visit today, save vinyl! #sherman oaks

on Freakbeat Records

44 Transit Score of Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, CA

Sherman Oaks has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Sherman Oaks Los Angeles apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Sherman Oaks has some public transportation and about 8 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Sherman Oaks on public transit.

52 Bike Score of Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, CA

Sherman Oaks is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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