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Living in Downtown Oakland

Downtown is the most walkable neighborhood in Oakland with 16,449 residents.

Downtown has excellent public transportation and is a biker’s paradise.

Nearby neighborhoods: Koreatown-Northgate, Produce and Waterfront, Merritt, Adams Point, Acorn, Oak Center and Ralph Bunche.

Nearby Downtown Apartments on Redfin

98 Walk Score of Downtown, Oakland, CA

Downtown is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of canondill graffiti in Downtown, Oakland

canondill graffiti

Photo of Scenic views in Downtown, Oakland

Scenic views

Daily errands do not require a car in Downtown Oakland.

Downtown is the most walkable neighborhood in Oakland with a Walk Score of 98.

Find apartments in Oakland's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Koreatown-Northgate and Fruitvale Station.

Downtown Oakland Apartments for Rent

Downtown Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Downtown to other Oakland neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 98 86 90 16,449
2 Koreatown-Northgate 97 76 98 2,507
3 Fruitvale Station 95 74 85 1,559

Moving to Oakland from another city?

86 Transit Score of Downtown, Oakland, CA

Downtown has Excellent Transit

Transit is convenient for most trips. Find Downtown Oakland apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Downtown has excellent public transportation and about 9 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Downtown on public transit.

90 Bike Score of Downtown, Oakland, CA

Downtown is a Biker’s Paradise

Daily errands can be accomplished on a bike.


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Photo of Alameda County Superior Court in Downtown, Oakland

Alameda County Superior Court

Photo of Lincoln Elementary School in Downtown, Oakland

Lincoln Elementary School

Photo of Camron-Stanford House in Downtown, Oakland

Camron-Stanford House

Photo of Sidewalk in Downtown, Oakland


Photo of Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center in Downtown, Oakland

Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center

Photo of Corner Pf 10th And jackson in Downtown, Oakland

Corner Pf 10th And jackson

Photo of 13th And Alice in Downtown, Oakland

13th And Alice

Photo of Alameda County Parking Garage in Downtown, Oakland

Alameda County Parking Garage

Photo of Oakland Museum in Downtown, Oakland

Oakland Museum

Photo of Sculpture in Downtown, Oakland


Photo of Lake Merritt 12th Street Park in Downtown, Oakland

Lake Merritt 12th Street Park

Photo of Lake Merritt Hotel & Apartment in Downtown, Oakland

Lake Merritt Hotel & Apartment

Photo of 151lakeside in Downtown, Oakland


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