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Living in Lower Dimond Oakland

Lower Dimond is the 22nd most walkable neighborhood in Oakland with 1,762 residents.

Lower Dimond has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Upper Dimond, School, Bartlett, Peralta Hacienda, Laurel, Sausal Creek and Patten.

Nearby Lower Dimond Apartments on Redfin

89 Walk Score of Lower Dimond, Oakland, CA

Lower Dimond is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Lower Dimond Oakland.

Lower Dimond is the 22nd most walkable neighborhood in Oakland with a Walk Score of 89.

Find apartments in Oakland's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Koreatown-Northgate and Fruitvale Station.

Lower Dimond Oakland Apartments for Rent

Lower Dimond Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Lower Dimond to other Oakland neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


20 Harrison St-Oakland Ave 89 64 76 3,891
21 Santa Fe 89 62 99 3,463
22 Lower Dimond 89 55 53 1,762
23 Cleveland Heights 89 61 72 7,231
24 Paradise Park 89 60 88 2,594

Moving to Oakland from another city?

thumbnail for Loard's Ice CreamThis place gets raving reviews not only for its ice cream but for its sauces as well. Must try the hot fudge and caramel on top of your favorite scoop. #icecreamshop Photo: Thomas Hawk

Walk Score Team
on Loard's Ice Cream

53 Bike Score of Lower Dimond, Oakland, CA

Lower Dimond is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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