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Living in Trestle Glen Oakland

Trestle Glen is the 70th most walkable neighborhood in Oakland with 3,515 residents.

Trestle Glen has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Crocker Highlands, Lynn, Lakeshore, Bella Vista, Highland Park, Tuxedo and Cleveland Heights.

Nearby Trestle Glen Apartments on Redfin

75 Walk Score of Trestle Glen, Oakland, CA

Trestle Glen is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Longridge Rd:Rosemount Rd in Trestle Glen, Oakland

Longridge Rd:Rosemount Rd

Photo of Sunnyhills & Paramount corner Park in Trestle Glen, Oakland

Sunnyhills & Paramount corner Park

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Trestle Glen Oakland.

Trestle Glen is the 70th most walkable neighborhood in Oakland with a Walk Score of 75.

Find apartments in Oakland's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Koreatown-Northgate and Fruitvale Station.

Trestle Glen Oakland Apartments for Rent

Trestle Glen Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Trestle Glen to other Oakland neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


68 North Stonehurst 76 49 64 4,354
69 Prescott 75 62 92 4,251
70 Trestle Glen 75 53 57 3,515
71 Lockwood-Tevis 75 67 59 2,487
72 Las Palmas 75 57 74 1,914

Moving to Oakland from another city?

thumbnail for Longridge Rd:Rosemount RdAnother great park to sit in while you wait for the bus.

Rafael Sands
on Longridge Rd:Rosemount Rd

53 Transit Score of Trestle Glen, Oakland, CA

Trestle Glen has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Trestle Glen Oakland apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Trestle Glen has good public transportation and about 8 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Trestle Glen on public transit.

57 Bike Score of Trestle Glen, Oakland, CA

Trestle Glen is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Femi Macus Nails in Trestle Glen, Oakland

Femi Macus Nails

Photo of Park Blvd Presbyterian Church in Trestle Glen, Oakland

Park Blvd Presbyterian Church

Photo of Park Blvd:Chatham Rd in Trestle Glen, Oakland

Park Blvd:Chatham Rd

Photo of Park Blvd:Emerson Way in Trestle Glen, Oakland

Park Blvd:Emerson Way

Photo of Chatham Rd:Park Blvd in Trestle Glen, Oakland

Chatham Rd:Park Blvd

Photo of Alma Place in Trestle Glen, Oakland

Alma Place

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