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Living in Vista Norte Palm Springs

Vista Norte is the 9th most walkable neighborhood in Palm Springs with 805 residents.

Vista Norte has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Racquet Club Estates, Racquet Club South, Desert Park Estates, Ruth Hardy Park, Old Las Palmas, Chino Canyon and Desert Highland - Gateway Estates.

Nearby Vista Norte Apartments on Redfin

45 Walk Score of Vista Norte, Palm Springs, CA

Vista Norte is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Most errands require a car.

Most errands require a car in Vista Norte Palm Springs.

Vista Norte is the 9th most walkable neighborhood in Palm Springs with a Walk Score of 45.

Find apartments in Palm Springs's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Baristo and Warm Sands.

Vista Norte Palm Springs Apartments for Rent

Vista Norte Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Vista Norte to other Palm Springs neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


7 Racquet Club South 47 32 45 542
8 Deepwell Estates 47 32 63 719
9 Vista Norte 45 33 57 805
10 Demuth Park West 44 32 45 2,035
11 Chino Canyon 33 29 33 840
57 Bike Score of Vista Norte, Palm Springs, CA

Vista Norte is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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