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Living in Midtown San Diego

Midtown is the 46th most walkable neighborhood in San Diego with 4,433 residents.

Midtown has good public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

Nearby neighborhoods: Park West, Mission Hills, Harborview, Little Italy, Hillcrest, Mission Valley West and Old Town.

Nearby Midtown Apartments on Redfin

63 Walk Score of Midtown, San Diego, CA

Midtown is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Intersection of Nutmeg Street and Columbia Street in Midtown, San Diego

Intersection of Nutmeg Street and Columbia Street

Photo of Mission Hills Florist in Midtown, San Diego

Mission Hills Florist

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Midtown San Diego.

Midtown is the 46th most walkable neighborhood in San Diego with a Walk Score of 63.

Find apartments in San Diego's most walkable neighborhoods: Little Italy, Harborview and Core-Columbia.

Midtown San Diego Apartments for Rent

Midtown Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Midtown to other San Diego neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


44 Mountain View 64 48 45 15,515
45 Torrey Pines 64 61 62 8,133
46 Midtown 63 58 40 4,433
47 Webster 62 44 38 3,050
48 Midway District 62 45 60 10,422

Moving to San Diego from another city?

thumbnail for Aero ClubThis bar should be called Whiskey Heaven. Check out their entertaining list of over seventy whiskeys and find one that suits your taste buds. #patiobar Photo: The Aero Club

Walk Score Team
on Aero Club

58 Transit Score of Midtown, San Diego, CA

Midtown has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Midtown San Diego apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Midtown has good public transportation and about 2 bus and 2 light rail lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Midtown on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Midtown San Diego? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Local Native

East Coast transplant who has made it her mission to know San Diego like the back of her hand.

Ask Local about Midtown

Photo of Starlite in Midtown, San Diego


Photo of Middletown Station in Midtown, San Diego

Middletown Station

Photo of International Restaurant Row in Midtown, San Diego

International Restaurant Row

40 Bike Score of Midtown, San Diego, CA

Midtown is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Middletown Station in Midtown, San Diego

Middletown Station

Photo of International Restaurant Row in Midtown, San Diego

International Restaurant Row

thumbnail for Kava LoungeKava Lounge is an eclectic nightclub featuring electronic and world music and organic cocktails.

Local Native
on Kava Lounge

thumbnail for Mission Hills LibraryPopulated by primarily wealthy residents, it's soft prestige hills and bay views are priceless. Some people still consider Mission Hills San Diego's most desirable area to live.

Angie Good
on Mission Hills Library

thumbnail for Intersection of Nutmeg Street and Columbia StreetFrom atop the hill of Columbia Street, neighborhood residents have a birds-eye view of the airport and the San Diego Bay, beyond it.

Local Native
on Intersection of Nutmeg Street and Columbia Street

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