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Living in Otay Mesa West San Diego

Otay Mesa West is the 54th most walkable neighborhood in San Diego with 30,355 residents.

Otay Mesa West has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

Nearby neighborhoods: Palm City, San Ysidro, Nestor, Ocean Crest, Egger Highlands, Tijuana River Valley and Otay Mesa.

Nearby Otay Mesa West Apartments on Redfin

55 Walk Score of Otay Mesa West, San Diego, CA

Otay Mesa West is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Otay Mesa-Nestor Branch Library in Otay Mesa West, San Diego

Otay Mesa-Nestor Branch Library

Photo of Montgomery Waller Community Park in Otay Mesa West, San Diego

Montgomery Waller Community Park

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Otay Mesa West San Diego.

Otay Mesa West is the 54th most walkable neighborhood in San Diego with a Walk Score of 55.

Find apartments in San Diego's most walkable neighborhoods: Little Italy, Harborview and Core-Columbia.

Otay Mesa West San Diego Apartments for Rent

Otay Mesa West Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Otay Mesa West to other San Diego neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


52 College West 57 52 35 9,277
53 Redwood Village - Rolando Park 57 47 29 8,379
54 Otay Mesa West 55 48 38 30,355
55 San Ysidro 55 53 46 28,142
56 Morena 54 47 50 6,948

Moving to San Diego from another city?

thumbnail for Otay Mesa-Nestor Branch LibraryThe new Otay Mesa-Nestor Branch extends the mission of the facility beyond that of merely a home for books. It embraces the notion of a place, which is an important resource and anchor for the community. The new public entrance and lobby has been created to become a link between the traditional library functions of the existing building and the new community rooms. The new entrance brings visitors off the street, down into the library and aligns it's axis with a new outdoor courtyard. The courtyard, which is visible from the existing library, new addition, and from the street, is an extension of the interior space for community events as well as a quite place for reflection and reading.

Angie Good
on Otay Mesa-Nestor Branch Library

48 Transit Score of Otay Mesa West, San Diego, CA

Otay Mesa West has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Otay Mesa West San Diego apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Otay Mesa West has some public transportation and about 4 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Otay Mesa West on public transit.

38 Bike Score of Otay Mesa West, San Diego, CA

Otay Mesa West is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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