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Living in San Gabriel

San Gabriel has an average Walk Score of 74 with 39,718 residents.

San Gabriel has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable San Gabriel neighborhoods are Mission District, South of San Gabriel Village and East of Smith Park.

Nearby San Gabriel Apartments on Redfin

74 Walk Score of San Gabriel, CA

San Gabriel is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Kim Ky Noodle House in San Gabriel

Kim Ky Noodle House

Photo of San Gabriel Mission in San Gabriel

San Gabriel Mission

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in San Gabriel.

San Gabriel Apartments for Rent

San Gabriel Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Mission District 88 39 55 1,106
2 South of San Gabriel Village 86 39 48 2,637
3 East of Smith Park 84 41 52 4,414
4 West of Mission District 80 40 53 1,894
5 North of Mission Drive 79 32 52 2,642
6 San Gabriel-Rosemead 77 39 51 1,520
7 Central San Gabriel 75 36 51 4,601
8 San Gabriel Village 69 35 50 4,362
9 North San Gabriel 63 38 46 5,245
10 Country Club 60 39 46 1,685

thumbnail for Kim Ky Noodle HouseNice combination of plan trees and Chinese restaurants catering to the chinese immigrant community

J Emilio Flores
on Kim Ky Noodle House

38 Transit Score of San Gabriel, CA

San Gabriel has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find San Gabriel apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

San Gabriel has some public transportation and about 4 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from San Gabriel on public transit.

50 Bike Score of San Gabriel, CA

San Gabriel is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of San Gabriel Mission in San Gabriel

San Gabriel Mission

Photo of San Gabriel Mission in San Gabriel

San Gabriel Mission

Photo of Grapevine Park in San Gabriel

Grapevine Park

Photo of Grapevine Park in San Gabriel

Grapevine Park

Photo of San Gabriel Cemetery in San Gabriel

San Gabriel Cemetery

Photo of San Gabriel Cemetery in San Gabriel

San Gabriel Cemetery

thumbnail for San Gabriel MissionOutstanding piece of architecture founded in 1776 and one of the oldest California missions

J Emilio Flores
on San Gabriel Mission

Photo of San Gabriel Valley Music Theatre in San Gabriel

San Gabriel Valley Music Theatre

Photo of Smith Park in San Gabriel

Smith Park

Photo of Smith Park in San Gabriel

Smith Park

Photo of Smith Park in San Gabriel

Smith Park

thumbnail for San Gabriel MissionOutstanding piece of architecture founded in 1776 and one of the oldest California missions

J Emilio Flores
on San Gabriel Mission

San Gabriel is Talking About...

school tired god song food car drink coffee boba eat beach lunch dinner sleep asian movie party walk factory tea bar playing

San Gabriel is all about:

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Photo of St Sava Serbian Church in San Gabriel

St Sava Serbian Church

Photo of San Gabriel Nursery & Florist in San Gabriel

San Gabriel Nursery & Florist

Photo of Street View in San Gabriel

Street View

thumbnail for Grapevine ParkThe oldest grapevine in town planted in 1861

J Emilio Flores
on Grapevine Park

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