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Living in Elyria Swansea Denver

Elyria Swansea is the 62nd most walkable neighborhood in Denver with 6,399 residents.

Elyria Swansea has some public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Clayton, Cole, Skyland, Whittier, Globeville, Five Points and City Park.

Nearby Apartments

44 Walk Score of Elyria Swansea, Denver, CO

Elyria Swansea is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Most errands require a car.

Photo of Near E Brighton Blvd & York St in Elyria Swansea, Denver

Near E Brighton Blvd & York St

Photo of Near E 47th Ave & High St in Elyria Swansea, Denver

Near E 47th Ave & High St

Most errands require a car in Elyria Swansea Denver.

Elyria Swansea is the 62nd most walkable neighborhood in Denver with a Walk Score of 44.

Find apartments in Denver's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Capitol Hill and Five Points.

Elyria Swansea Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Elyria Swansea to other Denver neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


60 Wellshire 45 30 68 2,885
61 Auraria 45 75 81 705
62 Elyria Swansea 44 43 70 6,399
63 Harvey Park 44 39 56 11,275
64 Windsor 38 38 62 12,936

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Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Elyria Swansea Denver? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Photo of Near E Brighton Blvd & York St in Elyria Swansea, Denver

Near E Brighton Blvd & York St

Photo of Near E 47th Ave & High St in Elyria Swansea, Denver

Near E 47th Ave & High St

Photo of Garbagio Roll Off Dumpster Rental in Elyria Swansea, Denver

Garbagio Roll Off Dumpster Rental

70 Bike Score of Elyria Swansea, Denver, CO

Elyria Swansea is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Garbagio Roll Off Dumpster Rental in Elyria Swansea, Denver

Garbagio Roll Off Dumpster Rental

Photo of Sidewinder Storage in Elyria Swansea, Denver

Sidewinder Storage

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