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Living in Dakota Ridge Fort Collins

Dakota Ridge is the 57th most walkable neighborhood in Fort Collins with 982 residents.

Dakota Ridge has minimal public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Stone Ridge, Rigden Farm, English Ranch, Foxstone, Meadows East, Side Hill and Harmony Park.

Nearby Dakota Ridge Apartments on Redfin

24 Walk Score of Dakota Ridge, Fort Collins, CO

Dakota Ridge is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Almost all errands require a car.

Almost all errands require a car in Dakota Ridge Fort Collins.

Dakota Ridge is the 57th most walkable neighborhood in Fort Collins with a Walk Score of 24.

Find apartments in Fort Collins's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Old Town and University Park.

Dakota Ridge Fort Collins Apartments for Rent

Dakota Ridge Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Dakota Ridge to other Fort Collins neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


55 Collindale 26 22 79 864
56 Parkwood East 24 23 82 1,140
57 Dakota Ridge 24 21 72 982
58 Woodridge 23 20 78 1,326
59 Harvest Park 23 23 66 1,127
72 Bike Score of Dakota Ridge, Fort Collins, CO

Dakota Ridge is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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