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Living in Sage Creek Fort Collins

Sage Creek is the 68th most walkable neighborhood in Fort Collins with 613 residents.

Sage Creek has minimal public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Harvest Park, Stetson Creek, Timber Creek, Fossil Lake, Westchase, Willow Springs and Observatory Village.

Nearby Sage Creek Apartments on Redfin

14 Walk Score of Sage Creek, Fort Collins, CO

Sage Creek is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Almost all errands require a car.

Almost all errands require a car in Sage Creek Fort Collins.

Sage Creek is the 68th most walkable neighborhood in Fort Collins with a Walk Score of 14.

Find apartments in Fort Collins's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Old Town and University Park.

Sage Creek Fort Collins Apartments for Rent

Sage Creek Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Sage Creek to other Fort Collins neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


66 Mulberry Hill 18 29 76 601
67 Fairbrooke 17 28 71 1,040
68 Sage Creek 14 22 57 613
69 Observatory Village 13 23 62 1,000
70 Quail Hollow 13 3 72 859
57 Bike Score of Sage Creek, Fort Collins, CO

Sage Creek is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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