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Living in Lakewood

Lakewood has an average Walk Score of 43 with 142,980 residents.

Lakewood has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Lakewood neighborhoods are North Alameda, Edgewood and South Alameda.

Nearby Lakewood Apartments on Redfin

43 Walk Score of Lakewood, CO

Lakewood is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Lamar Light Rail Station in Lakewood

Lamar Light Rail Station

Photo of Lakewood Grill in Lakewood

Lakewood Grill

Most errands require a car in Lakewood.

Lakewood Apartments for Rent

Lakewood Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 North Alameda 61 36 66 8,025
2 Edgewood 61 44 76 6,120
3 South Alameda 61 39 71 9,458
4 Molholm 55 48 67 6,201
5 Eiber 54 45 65 8,302
6 Morse Park 50 39 63 5,502
7 Foothills 48 14 41 8,032
8 Lasley 46 36 59 9,192
9 Creighton 44 35 57 4,557
10 Kendrick Lake 40 30 62 9,721
11 Belmar Park 39 36 61 4,377
12 Glennon Heights 39 24 52 4,691
13 Academy Park 38 33 30 1,790
14 Carmody 37 30 65 7,569
15 Daniels 37 42 46 2,999
16 Applewood 36 32 52 8,561
17 Bear Creek 35 25 59 11,294
18 Union Square 33 41 51 6,127
19 Grant Ranch 31 31 34 1,696
20 Green Mountain 30 5 35 14,373
21 Thraemoor 29 34 34 3,391
31 Transit Score of Lakewood, CO

Lakewood has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Lakewood apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Lakewood has some public transportation and about 14 bus and 1 light rail lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Lakewood on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Lakewood? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

JoAnn Pepperell

I am a RE/MAX agent for Jefferson, Boulder and Broomfield Counties. I'm here to help!

Ask JoAnn about Lakewood

http://sloanshomes.wordpress.com/ »

Photo of Lamar Light Rail Station in Lakewood

Lamar Light Rail Station

Photo of Lakewood Grill in Lakewood

Lakewood Grill

Photo of Campus Cycles in Lakewood

Campus Cycles

56 Bike Score of Lakewood, CO

Lakewood is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Campus Cycles in Lakewood

Campus Cycles

Photo of Casa Bonita in Lakewood

Casa Bonita

Photo of Addenbrooke Park in Lakewood

Addenbrooke Park

Photo of Lamar Station Crossing in Lakewood

Lamar Station Crossing

Lakewood is Talking About...

play run colorado coffee song food god drink school denver walk job sleep red rocks movie party team dream eat car

Lakewood is all about:

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