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Search for apartments in Norwich or check out apartments in other Norwich neighborhoods. Links will open on our partner site
Minimal bike infrastructure.
Mohegan Park
Memorial Rose Gardens
Norwich Free Academy
Dodd Stadium
Among the best places, stocked with trout by the state, for families to fish on opening day is Spaulding Pond. The Pond is scheduled to be stocked again after opening day.
Keith Ripley
on Mohegan Park
The Wauregan
Marina At American Wharf
George Washington's visit to Norwich Plaque
NFA - Norwich Free Academy
Swimming and picnic areas, fishing, nature trails. Gardens in bloom June-Oct., particularly noted for roses in late June and early July.
Keith Ripley
on Mohegan Park
Howard T. Brown Park Events
Brown Memorial Park
Yantic Falls Indian Leap
Home of the Connecticut Tigers Baseball Club
Keith Ripley
on Dodd Stadium
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Keith Ripley
on Brown Memorial Park