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Living in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown Washington, DC

Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown is the 9th most walkable neighborhood in Washington, DC with 7,570 residents.

Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown has world-class public transportation and is a biker’s paradise.

Nearby neighborhoods: Mount Vernon Square, Logan Circle - Shaw, H Street-NoMa, U-Street, Dupont Circle, LeDroit Park - Bloomingdale and Southwest - Waterfront.

Nearby Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown Apartments on Redfin

95 Walk Score of Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC, DC

Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of Zaytinya DC restaurant in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Zaytinya DC restaurant

Photo of Co Co. Sala in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Co Co. Sala

Daily errands do not require a car in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown Washington, DC.

Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown is the 9th most walkable neighborhood in Washington, DC with a Walk Score of 95.

Find apartments in Washington, DC's most walkable neighborhoods: U-Street, Dupont Circle and Mount Vernon Square.

Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown Washington, DC Apartments for Rent

Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown to other Washington, DC neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


7 Columbia Heights 96 79 90 35,322
8 H Street-NoMa 95 82 96 8,315
9 Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown 95 99 92 7,570
10 Mount Pleasant 92 76 84 10,443
11 SW Ballpark - Navy Yard 90 79 89 4,091

Moving to Washington, DC from another city?

thumbnail for Zaytinya DC restaurantFlavorful and inventive small plates with Lebanese, Turkish and Greek influences, by chef Jose Andres

2M Street
on Zaytinya DC restaurant

99 Transit Score of Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC, DC

Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown is a Rider’s Paradise

World-class public transportation. Find Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown Washington, DC apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown has world-class public transportation and about 7 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown on public transit.

92 Bike Score of Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC, DC

Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown is a Biker’s Paradise

Daily errands can be accomplished on a bike.


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Photo of Capital Bikeshare: 5th & F St NW in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Capital Bikeshare: 5th & F St NW

Photo of Capital Bikeshare: Metro Center / 12th & G St NW in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Capital Bikeshare: Metro Center / 12th & G St NW

Photo of Downtown Holiday Market in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Downtown Holiday Market

Photo of National Archives Of USA in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

National Archives Of USA

Photo of Federal Triangle Heritage Trail in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Federal Triangle Heritage Trail

Photo of Old City Hall in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Old City Hall

Photo of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

St. Patrick's Cathedral

Photo of Friendship Arch in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Friendship Arch

Photo of Zaytinya DC restaurant in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Zaytinya DC restaurant

Photo of Newseum in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC


Photo of Judiciary Square in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Judiciary Square

Photo of Joseph Darlington Fountain in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Joseph Darlington Fountain

Photo of Bistro D'OC in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC

Bistro D'OC

Photo of Zengo in Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown, Washington, DC


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