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Living in Buckhead Village Atlanta

Buckhead Village is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Atlanta with 1,604 residents.

Buckhead Village has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Buckhead Forest, Garden Hills, Peachtree Park, South Tuxedo Park, Peachtree Heights East, Peachtree Heights West and Lindbergh - Morosgo.

Nearby Buckhead Village Apartments on Redfin

93 Walk Score of Buckhead Village, Atlanta, GA

Buckhead Village is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of 514 East Paces Ferry Rd NE in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

514 East Paces Ferry Rd NE

Photo of Noise and Cruising Limits in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

Noise and Cruising Limits

Daily errands do not require a car in Buckhead Village Atlanta.

Buckhead Village is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Atlanta with a Walk Score of 93.

Find apartments in Atlanta's most walkable neighborhoods: Georgia State University, Buckhead Village and Sweet Auburn.

Buckhead Village Atlanta Apartments for Rent

Buckhead Village Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Buckhead Village to other Atlanta neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Georgia State University 96 78 80 1,040
2 Buckhead Village 93 42 54 1,604
3 Sweet Auburn 91 70 81 1,828
4 Peachtree Center 91 76 78 2,618

Moving to Atlanta from another city?

thumbnail for Buckhead Atlanta Construction #3An exciting and more walkable area once completed in November 2014.

Tim Frasier
on Buckhead Atlanta Construction #3

54 Bike Score of Buckhead Village, Atlanta, GA

Buckhead Village is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Havana Club in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

Havana Club

Photo of The Little Nook in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

The Little Nook

Photo of Antique Prints & Maps/Gallery 515 in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

Antique Prints & Maps/Gallery 515

Photo of Peridot Distinctive Gifts in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

Peridot Distinctive Gifts

Photo of Pollen in Buckhead Village, Atlanta


Photo of Allure In Buckhead Village in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

Allure In Buckhead Village

thumbnail for Gallery 515An established local business where you can find antiques, historic maps or get a picture framed.

Tim Frasier
on Gallery 515

Photo of Parkside At Buckhead in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

Parkside At Buckhead

Photo of AVI Marvin Design Gallery in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

AVI Marvin Design Gallery

Photo of Charlie Loudermilk Park in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

Charlie Loudermilk Park

Photo of Sobu Flats in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

Sobu Flats

thumbnail for 514 East Paces Ferry Rd NEMost of the local single family homes have been converted to commercial businesses. A former gift shop, but what will be here next?

Tim Frasier
on 514 East Paces Ferry Rd NE

Photo of Buckhead Branch in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

Buckhead Branch

Photo of Corner Cafe in Buckhead Village, Atlanta

Corner Cafe

thumbnail for Noise and Cruising LimitsDrivers should be aware of rules limiting excess noise and actions resembling cruising around the area.

Tim Frasier
on Noise and Cruising Limits

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