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Living in Midtown Atlanta

Midtown is the 5th most walkable neighborhood in Atlanta with 16,790 residents.

Midtown has good public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Ansley Park, SoNo, Georgia Tech, Atlantic Station, Centennial Hill, Home Park and Old Fourth Ward.

Nearby Midtown Apartments on Redfin

87 Walk Score of Midtown, Atlanta, GA

Midtown is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of High Museum of Art in Midtown, Atlanta

High Museum of Art

Photo of The Shade By auguste Rodin in Midtown, Atlanta

The Shade By auguste Rodin

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Midtown Atlanta.

Midtown is the 5th most walkable neighborhood in Atlanta with a Walk Score of 87.

Find apartments in Atlanta's most walkable neighborhoods: Georgia State University, Buckhead Village and Sweet Auburn.

Midtown Atlanta Apartments for Rent

Midtown Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Midtown to other Atlanta neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


3 Sweet Auburn 91 70 81 1,828
4 Peachtree Center 91 76 78 2,618
5 Midtown 87 61 74 16,790
6 Inman Park 87 56 82 3,983
7 SoNo 87 65 72 1,647

Moving to Atlanta from another city?

thumbnail for Four Seasons HotelThe Four Seasons Hotel was built in 1992 and has some great condos on the top floors.

Intown Expert, Jennifer Kjellgren & Associates
on Four Seasons Hotel

61 Transit Score of Midtown, Atlanta, GA

Midtown has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Midtown Atlanta apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Midtown has good public transportation and about 12 bus and 2 subway lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Midtown on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Midtown Atlanta? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Photo of High Museum of Art in Midtown, Atlanta

High Museum of Art

Photo of The Shade By auguste Rodin in Midtown, Atlanta

The Shade By auguste Rodin

Photo of Three up, Three Down in Midtown, Atlanta

Three up, Three Down

74 Bike Score of Midtown, Atlanta, GA

Midtown is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Three up, Three Down in Midtown, Atlanta

Three up, Three Down

Photo of High Museum of Art in Midtown, Atlanta

High Museum of Art

Photo of Savannah College of Art and Design Atlanta in Midtown, Atlanta

Savannah College of Art and Design Atlanta

Photo of High Museum of Art in Midtown, Atlanta

High Museum of Art

Photo of Matoba Monument in Midtown, Atlanta

Matoba Monument

Photo of Boo in Midtown, Atlanta


thumbnail for Tap : A GastropubThis gastropub is located at one of Midtown's busiest intersections, which proves beneficial for people-watching on the patio. For lunch try the "Cowgirl Creamery" grilled cheese selection.

Intown Expert, Jennifer Kjellgren & Associates
on Tap : A Gastropub

Photo of Boys & Girls Club Of America in Midtown, Atlanta

Boys & Girls Club Of America

Photo of Colony Square in Midtown, Atlanta

Colony Square

Photo of Reid House Condominium Association in Midtown, Atlanta

Reid House Condominium Association

Photo of The Richmond in Midtown, Atlanta

The Richmond

thumbnail for 1280 West Peachtree Partners LLCBuilt in 1989, this high-rise condo's amenities include a club room, fitness center, business center, a pool, basketball court, tennis court, concierge, valet, and a spa.

Intown Expert, Jennifer Kjellgren & Associates
on 1280 West Peachtree Partners LLC

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