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Living in Arlington Heights

Arlington Heights has an average Walk Score of 48 with 75,101 residents.

Arlington Heights is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Arlington Heights ZIP codes are 60005 and 60004.

Nearby Arlington Heights Apartments on Redfin

48 Walk Score of Arlington Heights, IL

Arlington Heights is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Photo of Egg Harbor Cafe in Arlington Heights

Egg Harbor Cafe

Photo of Arlington Greens Park in Arlington Heights

Arlington Greens Park

Arlington Heights has an average Walk Score of 48 with 75,101 residents.

Arlington Heights is somewhat bikeable.

Find apartments in Arlington Heights's most walkable ZIP codes: 60005 and 60004.

Arlington Heights Apartments for Rent

Arlington Heights Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 60005 56 - - 28,403
2 60004 42 - - 48,250

thumbnail for Egg Harbor CafeThis neighborhood institution has a convenient location across the street from the train station. It features delicious breakfast and lunch items 7 days a week. The country charm brings a breath of fresh air to the morning.

Allison M
on Egg Harbor Cafe

59 Bike Score of Arlington Heights, IL

Arlington Heights is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Hickory Meadows Park in Arlington Heights

Hickory Meadows Park

Photo of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in Arlington Heights

The Orchard Evangelical Free Church

Photo of Greenslopes Park in Arlington Heights

Greenslopes Park

Photo of Salsa 17 in Arlington Heights

Salsa 17

Photo of Brook Run Apartments in Arlington Heights

Brook Run Apartments

Photo of Brook Run Apartments in Arlington Heights

Brook Run Apartments

thumbnail for Arlington Greens ParkThe park sits on the grounds of Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary School. It's a nice park in a nice neighborhood. Kids are always outside playing games.

Allison M
on Arlington Greens Park

Photo of Brook Run Apartments in Arlington Heights

Brook Run Apartments

Photo of Brook Run Apartments in Arlington Heights

Brook Run Apartments

Photo of Metropolis Ballroom LLC in Arlington Heights

Metropolis Ballroom LLC

Photo of Mago Grill & Cantina in Arlington Heights

Mago Grill & Cantina

thumbnail for Big Shot Piano Lounge & RestaurantCozy restaurant and bar with the accompaniment of live piano music.

Allison M
on Big Shot Piano Lounge & Restaurant

Arlington Heights is Talking About...

play hawks run arlington park chicago food god drink school walk job race sleep dog movie party song team eat car

Arlington Heights is all about:

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Photo of Metropolis Performing Arts Centre in Arlington Heights

Metropolis Performing Arts Centre

Photo of Hey Nonny in Arlington Heights

Hey Nonny

Photo of La Tasca Tapas Restaurant in Arlington Heights

La Tasca Tapas Restaurant

thumbnail for Hickory Meadows ParkThis spot features a warming hut and path cutting through the middle. In the winter it is turned into an ice rink where ice skating and pick up games of pond hockey happen.

Allison M
on Hickory Meadows Park

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