Search for apartments in East Hyde Park or apartments in Chicago Ridge, or check out apartments in other Chicago Ridge neighborhoods. Links will open on our partner site
East Hyde Park is the 27th most walkable neighborhood in Chicago Ridge with 11,204 residents.
East Hyde Park has good public transportation and is a biker’s paradise.
Nearby neighborhoods: Kenwood, Hyde Park, Woodlawn, West Woodlawn, Washington Park, Bronzeville and Grand Crossing.
Most errands can be accomplished on foot.
Most errands can be accomplished on foot in East Hyde Park Chicago Ridge.
East Hyde Park is the 27th most walkable neighborhood in Chicago Ridge with a Walk Score of 87.
Find apartments in Chicago Ridge's most walkable neighborhoods: East Ukrainian Village, Wicker Park and Near North Side.
Search for apartments in East Hyde Park or apartments in Chicago Ridge, or check out apartments in other Chicago Ridge neighborhoods. Links will open on our partner site
Compare East Hyde Park to other Chicago Ridge neighborhoods.
Rank # | Name | Walk Score | Transit Score | Bike Score |
25 | Rogers Park | 89 | 74 | - |
26 | River West | 88 | 80 | - |
27 | East Hyde Park | 87 | 64 | - |
28 | Avondale | 87 | 68 | - |
29 | Hyde Park | 87 | 64 | - |
Many nearby public transportation options. Find East Hyde Park Chicago Ridge apartments for rent on Redfin.
East Hyde Park has good public transportation and about 7 bus and 1 rail lines passing through it.
The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from East Hyde Park on public transit.
Daily errands can be accomplished on a bike.
This neighborhood institution features local vendors selling fresh produce, baked goods, and more.
on Hyde Park Farmers' Market
This building was considered the gate way into Hyde Park and is on the Register of National Historic Places. Not open to the public for viewing.
on Del Prado LLC
Originally built for recreational model boats, the area today mostly serves as a duck pond. You can also find Virginio Ferrari's sculpture "Ecstasy" here.
on Model Yacht Basin
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Harold Washington Park is a smaller Chicago park, but it has nice green space and walking paths along the lake front.
on Harold Washington Park