Search for apartments in Jefferson Park or apartments in Chicago Ridge, or check out apartments in other Chicago Ridge neighborhoods. Links will open on our partner site
Jefferson Park is the 57th most walkable neighborhood in Chicago Ridge with 44,147 residents.
Jefferson Park has good public transportation and is very bikeable.
Nearby neighborhoods: Edgebrook, Portage Park, North Mayfair, Mayfair, Wildwood, Sauganash and Dunning.
Most errands can be accomplished on foot.
Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Jefferson Park Chicago Ridge.
Jefferson Park is the 57th most walkable neighborhood in Chicago Ridge with a Walk Score of 76.
Find apartments in Chicago Ridge's most walkable neighborhoods: East Ukrainian Village, Wicker Park and Near North Side.
Search for apartments in Jefferson Park or apartments in Chicago Ridge, or check out apartments in other Chicago Ridge neighborhoods. Links will open on our partner site
Compare Jefferson Park to other Chicago Ridge neighborhoods.
Rank # | Name | Walk Score | Transit Score | Bike Score |
55 | Marynook | 76 | 58 | - |
56 | McKinley Park | 76 | 64 | - |
57 | Jefferson Park | 76 | 64 | - |
58 | Illinois Medical District | 76 | 74 | - |
59 | Kenwood | 76 | 64 | - |
Many nearby public transportation options. Find Jefferson Park Chicago Ridge apartments for rent on Redfin.
Jefferson Park has good public transportation and about 14 bus, 2 rail and 1 subway lines passing through it.
The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Jefferson Park on public transit.
Biking is convenient for most trips.
If you are a science geek, attracted to the weird castaway items or obsolete products, then this is your store. Always worth a browse but beware a 5 minute stop can quickly turn into an hour because they have so much stuff.
joe geden
on American Science & Surplus
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Use Walk Score data for real estate, public health, finance, and urban planning research and analysis.
For some reason Chicago must have hired the same architects that designed prison buildings to design their schools. Fortunately inside contains a highly rated program.
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on Beaubien Elementary School