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Living in ORCHiD 3rd Union College Rockford

ORCHiD 3rd Union College is the 7th most walkable neighborhood in Rockford with 1,165 residents.

ORCHiD 3rd Union College is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Midtown, Downtown, Ethnic Village, Coronado Haskell, Jackson Oaks, Brown Hills - Knightsville and Signal Hill.

Nearby ORCHiD 3rd Union College Apartments on Redfin

57 Walk Score of ORCHiD 3rd Union College, Rockford, IL

ORCHiD 3rd Union College is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in ORCHiD 3rd Union College Rockford.

ORCHiD 3rd Union College is the 7th most walkable neighborhood in Rockford with a Walk Score of 57.

Find apartments in Rockford's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Coronado Haskell and Midtown.

ORCHiD 3rd Union College Rockford Apartments for Rent

ORCHiD 3rd Union College Neighborhood Ranking

Compare ORCHiD 3rd Union College to other Rockford neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


5 Ethnic Village 61 - 51 2,470
6 Highland 59 - 41 1,741
7 ORCHiD 3rd Union College 57 - 55 1,165
8 Signal Hill 53 - 67 1,697
9 Roosevelt 52 - 54 1,192
55 Bike Score of ORCHiD 3rd Union College, Rockford, IL

ORCHiD 3rd Union College is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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