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Living in Cherokee Seneca Louisville

Cherokee Seneca is the 22nd most walkable neighborhood in Louisville with 2,628 residents.

Cherokee Seneca has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Cherokee Gardens, Highlands Douglass, Crescent Hill, Rockcreek Lexington Road, Belknap, Deer Park and Gardiner Lane.

Nearby Cherokee Seneca Apartments on Redfin

60 Walk Score of Cherokee Seneca, Louisville, KY

Cherokee Seneca is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Cherokee Seneca Louisville.

Cherokee Seneca is the 22nd most walkable neighborhood in Louisville with a Walk Score of 60.

Find apartments in Louisville's most walkable neighborhoods: Phoenix Hill, Central Business District and Highlands.

Cherokee Seneca Louisville Apartments for Rent

Cherokee Seneca Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Cherokee Seneca to other Louisville neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


20 Highlands Douglass 62 39 63 3,363
21 Wilder Park 61 38 75 2,483
22 Cherokee Seneca 60 38 58 2,628
23 Crescent Hill 60 37 43 7,310
24 California 59 46 77 4,488

Moving to Louisville from another city?

58 Bike Score of Cherokee Seneca, Louisville, KY

Cherokee Seneca is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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