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Living in Newton

Newton has an average Walk Score of 57 with 85,146 residents.

Newton has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Newton neighborhoods are Nonantum, Newtonville and Newton Center.

Nearby Newton Apartments on Redfin

57 Walk Score of Newton, MA

Newton is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Newton Highlands T Station in Newton

Newton Highlands T Station

Photo of Coldspring Park Lifecourse Exercise Trail in Newton

Coldspring Park Lifecourse Exercise Trail

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Newton.

Newton Apartments for Rent

Hot Homes for Sale

Newton Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Nonantum 80 40 65 7,464
2 Newtonville 71 35 48 5,918
3 Newton Center 68 35 50 7,778
4 Newton Upper Falls 68 45 41 2,681
5 Newton Highlands 64 47 55 7,012
6 Newton Corner 60 48 49 9,302
7 West Newton 59 31 51 11,952
8 Thompsonville 57 42 45 6,545
9 Auburndale 54 44 48 8,052
10 Chestnut Hill 52 54 46 9,145
11 Newton Lower Falls 45 42 47 1,244
12 Waban 45 46 38 5,751
13 Oak Hill 17 25 30 7,845

thumbnail for Boston College Train StopThis is the office where you can purchase a pass or monthly or weekly passes. Multiple options available

Voula Paras
on Boston College Train Stop

40 Transit Score of Newton, MA

Newton has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Newton apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Newton has some public transportation and about 14 bus, 1 rail and 2 light rail lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Newton on public transit.

47 Bike Score of Newton, MA

Newton is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Boston College Train Stop in Newton

Boston College Train Stop

Photo of Boston College Train Stop in Newton

Boston College Train Stop

Photo of Boston College Train Stop in Newton

Boston College Train Stop

Photo of Boston College Train Stop in Newton

Boston College Train Stop

Photo of Hyde Park in Newton

Hyde Park

Photo of Coldspring Park Fields & Courts in Newton

Coldspring Park Fields & Courts

thumbnail for Boston College Train StopThis is the current fair schedule for the train running now. It has senior and student rates as well

Voula Paras
on Boston College Train Stop

Photo of Cold Spring Park in Newton

Cold Spring Park

Photo of On The Street in Newton

On The Street

Photo of On The Street in Newton

On The Street

Photo of Jamjuli in Newton


thumbnail for Boston College Train StopThis is where you would catch the train to go around town or anywhere else you would like. You can transfer trains as well

Voula Paras
on Boston College Train Stop

Newton is Talking About...

college play run coffee song food boston team drink music school class god read job sleep car party walk eat

Newton is all about:

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Photo of Green Planet Kids in Newton

Green Planet Kids

Photo of Eric Bleiler Jewelers in Newton

Eric Bleiler Jewelers

Photo of Sudbury Aqueduct in Newton

Sudbury Aqueduct

Photo of Cold Spring Park Dog Area in Newton

Cold Spring Park Dog Area

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