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Living in Worcester

Worcester has an average Walk Score of 56 with 181,045 residents.

Worcester has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Worcester neighborhoods are Main Middle, Green Island and University Park.

Nearby Worcester Apartments on Redfin

56 Walk Score of Worcester, MA

Worcester is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Washington Square in Worcester

Washington Square

Photo of Worcester Memorial Auditorium in Worcester

Worcester Memorial Auditorium

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Worcester.

Worcester Apartments for Rent

Hot Homes for Sale

Worcester Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Main Middle 92 48 49 7,702
2 Green Island 89 52 48 1,962
3 University Park 88 42 51 9,113
4 Institute Park 87 46 48 10,052
5 Central Business District 84 53 43 2,787
6 Beaver Brook 78 36 46 1,674
7 South Worcester 77 37 56 3,727
8 Columbus Park 76 38 48 3,803
9 Union HIll 76 47 48 6,417
10 Shrewsbury Street 69 41 31 3,209
11 Vernon Hill 64 37 34 9,004
12 Indian Lake East 62 36 30 3,811
13 Newton Square 61 30 35 5,591
14 Franklin Plantation 60 40 37 3,282
15 Webster Square 55 35 33 16,809
16 Lake Park 55 29 58 2,172
17 Greendale 54 33 35 7,342
18 Bell Hill 53 41 25 4,220
19 Grafton Hill 52 29 41 6,766
20 Brittan Square 52 39 32 1,952
21 North Lincoln Street 50 37 30 6,272
22 Hadwen Park 49 32 40 2,039
23 North Quinsigamond Village 47 31 39 2,941
24 Hamilton 45 31 39 2,884
25 Great Brook Valley 43 35 29 1,893
26 Booth Apartments 42 34 31 3,196
27 Biotech Park Area 42 36 24 2,814
28 Tatnuck 40 29 27 4,031
29 College Hill 39 29 27 3,610
30 Broadmeadow Brook 39 25 26 9,454
31 Salisbury Street 38 26 28 4,041
32 South Quinsigamond Village 33 29 26 1,874
33 Burncoat 33 34 23 4,795
34 West Tatnuck 24 19 17 6,954
35 Forest Grove 22 9 21 8,760
36 Indian Hill 21 25 16 3,776

thumbnail for Washington SquareThe newly renovated Union Station is a must see for its stunning architecture!

Jane Cantz
on Washington Square

34 Transit Score of Worcester, MA

Worcester has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Worcester apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Worcester has some public transportation and about 22 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Worcester on public transit.

35 Bike Score of Worcester, MA

Worcester is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Federal Square in Worcester

Federal Square

Photo of Lake Park in Worcester

Lake Park

Photo of Worcester Memorial Auditorium in Worcester

Worcester Memorial Auditorium

Photo of Blush Yogurt Cafe in Worcester

Blush Yogurt Cafe

Photo of Eco Tarium in Worcester

Eco Tarium

Photo of Washington Square in Worcester

Washington Square

thumbnail for Worcester Memorial AuditoriumThe auditorium has been closed for many years and Preservation Worcester has deemed it one of the "Most Endangered Historic Resources" in the state. It is a beautiful building.

Jane Cantz
on Worcester Memorial Auditorium

Photo of Washington Square in Worcester

Washington Square

Photo of Federal Square in Worcester

Federal Square

Photo of Federal Square in Worcester

Federal Square

Photo of Federal Square in Worcester

Federal Square

thumbnail for Shrewsbury StreetKnown as "restaurant row", some of the best restaurants in Worcester County are located here.

Jane Cantz
on Shrewsbury Street

Worcester is Talking About...

party play money tired wake song food car class drink school walk read job sleep god movie team dream eat

Worcester is all about:

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Photo of Elm Park in Worcester

Elm Park

Photo of Lake Park in Worcester

Lake Park

Photo of Lake Park in Worcester

Lake Park

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