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Living in Edina

Edina has an average Walk Score of 37 with 47,941 residents.

Edina has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Edina ZIP codes are 55435, 55424 and 55439.

Nearby Edina Apartments on Redfin

37 Walk Score of Edina, MN

Edina is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Centennial Lakes Park in Edina

Centennial Lakes Park

Photo of Bridges Of Centennial Lakes in Edina

Bridges Of Centennial Lakes

Most errands require a car in Edina.

Edina Apartments for Rent

Edina Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 55435 58 - - 11,567
2 55424 46 - - 9,645
3 55439 22 - - 8,761
4 55436 20 - - 12,913
29 Transit Score of Edina, MN

Edina has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Edina apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Edina has some public transportation and about 6 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Edina on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Edina? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Curt Norwood

People are my passion. Sure I would rather be playing on the beach in Barbados or tree treking in Panama but Minneapolis has great walkable neighborhoods. As a real estate broker I love helping people with buying selling homes in qualified neighborhoods that serve their family needs. Feel free to contact me anytime at 612.309.0075

Ask Curt about Edina

http://www.norwoodsrealty.com »

Photo of Centennial Lakes Park in Edina

Centennial Lakes Park

Photo of Centennial Lakes Plaza in Edina

Centennial Lakes Plaza

Photo of YMCA in Edina


mackenzie lee

I am a culture obsessed person. I love to travel and explore places. I especially love hunting out secret city spots.

Ask mackenzie about Edina

http://Www.lonelyartichoke.com »

Photo of Bridges Of Centennial Lakes in Edina

Bridges Of Centennial Lakes

Photo of Turtle in Edina


Photo of Centennial Lakes in Edina

Centennial Lakes

49 Bike Score of Edina, MN

Edina is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Centennial Lakes Plaza in Edina

Centennial Lakes Plaza

Photo of Turtle in Edina


Photo of YMCA in Edina


Photo of Centennial Lakes in Edina

Centennial Lakes

Photo of Banana Republic in Edina

Banana Republic

Photo of Banana Republic in Edina

Banana Republic

Photo of Room No 3 in Edina

Room No 3

Photo of Caribou Coffee in Edina

Caribou Coffee

Photo of McCormick & Schmick's in Edina

McCormick & Schmick's

Photo of prAna Edina in Edina

prAna Edina

Edina is Talking About...

job play run school god food car team drink coffee minneapolis minnesota walk lunch dinner sleep movie party amc southdale 16 eat

Edina is all about:

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Photo of Good Earth in Edina

Good Earth

Photo of Room No 3 in Edina

Room No 3

Photo of Dick's Sports Barbers in Edina

Dick's Sports Barbers

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