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Living in St. Anthony West Minneapolis

St. Anthony West is the 31st most walkable neighborhood in Minneapolis with 2,235 residents.

St. Anthony West has good public transportation and is a biker’s paradise.

Nearby neighborhoods: Sheridan, Nicollet Island, Warehouse District, St. Anthony East, Bottineau, Logan Park and Downtown West.

Nearby St. Anthony West Apartments on Redfin

78 Walk Score of St. Anthony West, Minneapolis, MN

St. Anthony West is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of 2 St NE & 7 Av NE in St. Anthony West, Minneapolis

2 St NE & 7 Av NE

Photo of St Boniface Church Rectory in St. Anthony West, Minneapolis

St Boniface Church Rectory

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in St. Anthony West Minneapolis.

St. Anthony West is the 31st most walkable neighborhood in Minneapolis with a Walk Score of 78.

Find apartments in Minneapolis's most walkable neighborhoods: Lyn Lake, Downtown West and Lowry Hill East.

St. Anthony West Minneapolis Apartments for Rent

St. Anthony West Neighborhood Ranking

Compare St. Anthony West to other Minneapolis neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


29 Kingfield 79 52 90 7,475
30 Longfellow 78 54 93 4,901
31 St. Anthony West 78 56 96 2,235
32 Windom Park 76 45 93 5,697
33 Lowry Hill 76 56 84 3,733

Moving to Minneapolis from another city?

thumbnail for Northeast Yacht ClubA great local bar with pool tables, juke box and outdoor patio. #stanthonywest

BM Davies
on Northeast Yacht Club

56 Transit Score of St. Anthony West, Minneapolis, MN

St. Anthony West has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find St. Anthony West Minneapolis apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

St. Anthony West has good public transportation and about 2 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from St. Anthony West on public transit.

96 Bike Score of St. Anthony West, Minneapolis, MN

St. Anthony West is a Biker’s Paradise

Daily errands can be accomplished on a bike.


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Photo of Marshall Street Ne Nice ride Minnesota in St. Anthony West, Minneapolis

Marshall Street Ne Nice ride Minnesota

Photo of Mississippi River in St. Anthony West, Minneapolis

Mississippi River

thumbnail for BF Nelson ParkGreat view of downtown Minneapolis from BF Nelson Park #stanthonywest

BM Davies
on BF Nelson Park

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