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Living in Whittier Minneapolis

Whittier is the 6th most walkable neighborhood in Minneapolis with 13,428 residents.

Whittier has good public transportation and is a biker’s paradise.

Nearby neighborhoods: Stevens Square, Lyn Lake, Lowry Hill East, Lyndale, Loring Park, Central and CARAG.

Nearby Whittier Apartments on Redfin

91 Walk Score of Whittier, Minneapolis, MN

Whittier is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of Hennepin History Museum in Whittier, Minneapolis

Hennepin History Museum

Photo of Morrison Park in Whittier, Minneapolis

Morrison Park

Daily errands do not require a car in Whittier Minneapolis.

Whittier is the 6th most walkable neighborhood in Minneapolis with a Walk Score of 91.

Find apartments in Minneapolis's most walkable neighborhoods: Lyn Lake, Downtown West and Lowry Hill East.

Whittier Minneapolis Apartments for Rent

Whittier Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Whittier to other Minneapolis neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


4 Uptown 93 58 94 2,310
5 Loring Park 91 78 86 7,714
6 Whittier 91 63 95 13,428
7 Downtown East 91 86 93 1,256
8 East Isles 90 58 91 2,115

Moving to Minneapolis from another city?

thumbnail for Hennepin History MuseumThis museum is nothing like the Met in New York. However, if you'd like a look into the heart of the city of Minneapolis, this charming museum could provide for a fun afternoon. #museum Photo: edkohler

Walk Score Team
on Hennepin History Museum

63 Transit Score of Whittier, Minneapolis, MN

Whittier has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Whittier Minneapolis apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Whittier has good public transportation and about 7 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Whittier on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Whittier Minneapolis? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

mackenzie lee

I am a culture obsessed person. I love to travel and explore places. I especially love hunting out secret city spots.

Ask mackenzie about Whittier

http://Www.lonelyartichoke.com »

Photo of Morrison Park in Whittier, Minneapolis

Morrison Park

Photo of Franklin-Nicollet Liquor Store in Whittier, Minneapolis

Franklin-Nicollet Liquor Store

Photo of Wedge Community Co-Op in Whittier, Minneapolis

Wedge Community Co-Op

95 Bike Score of Whittier, Minneapolis, MN

Whittier is a Biker’s Paradise

Daily errands can be accomplished on a bike.


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Photo of Franklin-Nicollet Liquor Store in Whittier, Minneapolis

Franklin-Nicollet Liquor Store

Photo of Wedge Community Co-Op in Whittier, Minneapolis

Wedge Community Co-Op

Photo of Little Saigon Plaza in Whittier, Minneapolis

Little Saigon Plaza

Photo of City of Lakes Waldorf School in Whittier, Minneapolis

City of Lakes Waldorf School

Photo of Bauhaus Apartments in Whittier, Minneapolis

Bauhaus Apartments

Photo of Hennepin County History Museum in Whittier, Minneapolis

Hennepin County History Museum

Photo of Ninjas And Turtles Mural in Whittier, Minneapolis

Ninjas And Turtles Mural

Photo of The Greenway in Whittier, Minneapolis

The Greenway

Photo of Whittier in Whittier, Minneapolis


Photo of Morrison Park in Whittier, Minneapolis

Morrison Park

Photo of Pho 79 in Whittier, Minneapolis

Pho 79

Photo of Caravelle Restaurant in Whittier, Minneapolis

Caravelle Restaurant

Photo of Blacklist Vintage in Whittier, Minneapolis

Blacklist Vintage

Photo of Wedge Community Co-Op in Whittier, Minneapolis

Wedge Community Co-Op

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