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Living in Hamline - Midway St. Paul Park

Hamline - Midway is the 9th most walkable neighborhood in St. Paul Park with 11,493 residents.

Hamline - Midway has good public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Energy Park, Merriam Park East, Snelling Hamline, Lexington - Hamline North, Lexington - Hamline South, East Midway and Merriam Park West.

Nearby Hamline - Midway Apartments on Redfin

77 Walk Score of Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park, MN

Hamline - Midway is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Hamline Midway Library in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Hamline Midway Library

Photo of Turf Club in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Turf Club

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Hamline - Midway St. Paul Park.

Hamline - Midway is the 9th most walkable neighborhood in St. Paul Park with a Walk Score of 77.

Find apartments in St. Paul Park's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, South Frogtown and Snelling Hamline.

Hamline - Midway St. Paul Park Apartments for Rent

Search for apartments in Hamline - Midway or apartments in St. Paul Park, or check out apartments in other St. Paul Park neighborhoods. Links will open on our partner site Redfin.com.

Search for homes in St. Paul Park or find a St. Paul Park real estate agent who knows walkable neighborhoods. Links will open on our partner site Redfin.com.

Hamline - Midway Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Hamline - Midway to other St. Paul Park neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


7 North Frogtown 78 52 79 2,493
8 Lexington - Hamline North 77 57 76 1,441
9 Hamline - Midway 77 54 87 11,493
10 Summit Hill 77 45 68 6,564
11 West Frogtown 76 51 72 3,775

thumbnail for Hamline Midway LibraryThe Hamline Midway Library is a small building, but as a part of the Saint Paul Public Library system, is able to get their hands on the entire SPPL catalogue. A great place to introduce kids to libraries. #Midway

Karen Krueger
on Hamline Midway Library

54 Transit Score of Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park, MN

Hamline - Midway has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Hamline - Midway St. Paul Park apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Hamline - Midway has good public transportation and about 4 bus and 1 light rail lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Hamline - Midway on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Hamline - Midway St. Paul Park? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Karen Krueger

I am a local musician who performs regularly with i like you, One Fast Move, and the Minnesota Bluegrass Band.

Ask Karen about Hamline - Midway

http://www.fiddleinthemiddle.blogspot.com »

Photo of Hopechest in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park


Photo of Newell Park in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Newell Park

Photo of Twin Cities Passenger Station in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Twin Cities Passenger Station

87 Bike Score of Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park, MN

Hamline - Midway is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Hopechest in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park


Photo of Newell Park in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Newell Park

Photo of Twin Cities Passenger Station in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Twin Cities Passenger Station

Photo of Celtic Junction in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Celtic Junction

Photo of Ax-Man Surplus Stores in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Ax-Man Surplus Stores

Photo of Lloyd's Pharmacy in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Lloyd's Pharmacy

thumbnail for Turf ClubWhile it may not look like much from the street, The Turf Club is a fantastic place to support the vibrant local music scene. All types of music come through the Turf Club on most nights of the week. Grab your dancing shoes! #Midway

Karen Krueger
on Turf Club

thumbnail for HopechestShop while supporting a great cause. Hopechest is an upscale secondhand store that raises money for breast cancer. #Midway

Karen Krueger
on Hopechest

Photo of Ellis Drum Shop in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Ellis Drum Shop

Photo of Kim's Asian Market in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Kim's Asian Market

Photo of Ginkgo Coffeehouse in Hamline - Midway, St. Paul Park

Ginkgo Coffeehouse

thumbnail for Twin Cities Passenger StationInstead of booking a flight, why not try a vacation via rail? Midway is home of the Amtrak passenger terminal for the next few years until it moves to Lowertown. #Midway

Karen Krueger
on Twin Cities Passenger Station

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