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Living in Columbia

Columbia has an average Walk Score of 30 with 108,500 residents.

Columbia does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Columbia neighborhoods are Downtown, Tenth Hitt Elm Locust and Douglass Park.

Nearby Columbia Apartments on Redfin

30 Walk Score of Columbia, MO

Columbia is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map


Most errands require a car in Columbia.

Columbia Apartments for Rent

Columbia Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 95 - 71 500
2 Tenth Hitt Elm Locust 92 - 66 708
3 Douglass Park 75 - 69 1,671
4 Rockbridge 67 - 52 1,117
5 Ridgeway 66 - 69 658
6 Benton - Stephens 64 - 72 1,827
7 North Central Columbia 64 - 71 535
8 University of Missouri 62 - 65 6,089
9 Grasslands 56 - 68 1,196
10 East Campus 49 - 54 2,681
11 Park De Ville 47 - 34 524
12 Broadway Farms 38 - 35 1,386
13 White Gate 37 - 36 1,401
14 Greenbriar - Trail Ridge 32 - 35 532
15 Historic Old Southwest 31 - 58 769
16 Belmont Village 31 - 32 897
17 Bedford Walk 29 - 30 653
18 Rothwell Heights 27 - 31 844
19 Mexico Gravel 27 - 40 705
20 Blueridge 24 - 31 702
21 Parkade 23 - 31 2,376
22 Cedar Lake 22 - 25 1,106
23 Northland - Parker 22 - 31 1,053
24 Grindstone - Rock Quarry 18 - 30 1,939
25 Southwest Hills 18 - 36 730
26 Vanderveen Crossing 17 - 38 2,015
27 Shepard Boulevard 16 - 29 693
28 University Park 16 - 42 1,245
29 The Links of Columbia 15 - 17 728
30 Arcadia 13 - 24 765
31 Valley View 12 - 18 1,498
32 Aubrun Hills 10 - 31 969
33 Highlands 7 - 15 1,346
34 Hominy Branch 6 - 14 892
35 Thornbrook 1 - 19 1,099
36 The Cascades 1 - 12 730
37 Mill Creek Manor 0 - 14 515
40 Bike Score of Columbia, MO

Columbia is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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