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Living in Independence

Independence has an average Walk Score of 28 with 116,830 residents.

Independence has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Independence neighborhoods are McCoy, Bristol and Procter.

Nearby Independence Apartments on Redfin

28 Walk Score of Independence, MO

Independence is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map


Most errands require a car in Independence.

Independence Apartments for Rent

Independence Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 McCoy 63 35 42 1,638
2 Bristol 59 31 36 1,992
3 Procter 54 32 34 3,255
4 Bundschu 53 26 27 2,093
5 Heart of Independence 50 32 39 2,604
6 Carlisle 48 26 31 1,159
7 Farview 41 15 36 1,540
8 Town Hall 39 31 22 1,676
9 Luff 39 23 30 3,067
10 South Crysler 36 26 31 1,835
11 Benton 36 26 25 4,226
12 Three Trails 35 22 28 4,050
13 Ott-Chrisman 35 20 32 3,128
14 Hill Park 35 26 24 2,543
15 South 32 36 25 1,427
16 Southern 32 15 20 2,824
17 Pitcher 31 37 26 997
18 Rock Creek 31 21 25 1,620
19 Randall 31 14 33 4,906
20 Santa Fe 29 18 34 3,145
21 Hanthorn 29 20 24 3,377
22 Chapel 28 22 25 2,069
23 Mt. Washington 28 30 19 1,819
24 Glendale 26 19 23 5,087
25 Sycamore 25 18 24 5,106
26 Fairmount 25 24 21 1,817
27 39th East 25 15 20 4,429
28 Rock Creek South 22 32 25 2,150
29 Queen City 21 18 19 1,075
30 Fairland Heights 21 28 15 1,499
31 Highland Manor 19 - 32 4,991
32 Blackburn 19 17 21 8,750
33 Cler-Mont 18 9 26 2,735
34 Blue Village 17 10 20 4,516
35 Mill Creek 17 14 18 1,234
36 Rockwood 17 15 20 1,847
37 Valley View 15 16 18 1,666
38 Harrison 14 31 9 656
39 Kentucky Hills 10 1 15 2,028
40 Bridger 9 16 18 4,450
41 Little Blue 5 1 18 2,604
42 Spring Branch 2 3 12 2,478
43 Rainbow 0 - 15 741
19 Transit Score of Independence, MO

Independence has Minimal Transit

It is possible to get on a bus. Find Independence apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Independence has minimal public transportation and about 4 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Independence on public transit.

28 Bike Score of Independence, MO

Independence is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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