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Living in Ivanhoe Southwest Kansas City

Ivanhoe Southwest is the 49th most walkable neighborhood in Kansas City with 1,502 residents.

Ivanhoe Southwest has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

Nearby neighborhoods: Manheim Park, Ivanhoe Southeast, South Hyde Park, Squier Park, Ivanhoe Northeast, Linwood Homeowners-Ivanhoe and Oak Park Southwest.

Nearby Ivanhoe Southwest Apartments on Redfin

53 Walk Score of Ivanhoe Southwest, Kansas City, MO

Ivanhoe Southwest is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Ivanhoe Southwest Kansas City.

Ivanhoe Southwest is the 49th most walkable neighborhood in Kansas City with a Walk Score of 53.

Find apartments in Kansas City's most walkable neighborhoods: Old Westport, The Downtown Loop and Crossroads.

Ivanhoe Southwest Kansas City Apartments for Rent

Ivanhoe Southwest Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Ivanhoe Southwest to other Kansas City neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


47 18th & Vine & Downtown East 54 42 47 1,317
48 Country Club 54 29 42 723
49 Ivanhoe Southwest 53 43 42 1,502
50 Coleman Highlands 53 42 39 594
51 East Blue Valley 52 25 26 2,259

Moving to Kansas City from another city?

42 Bike Score of Ivanhoe Southwest, Kansas City, MO

Ivanhoe Southwest is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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